Turn the Universe

Chapter 878: War (1)

At this time, the Son of Light looked at the young man in white who was standing among the people in Huaxia. The other party's methods were a bit unexpected to him~

"Who is this dear friend? I know a lot about the young talents of China. I have never heard of Xiongtai."

In the eyes of the Son of Light, it seems that except for the existence of the same level as himself, everyone else is like an ant, and he is not in his heart at all~

"Han Yu laughs at the sky~"

When Han Yu Xiaotian said his name, M's super soldier Reid and Su Kingdom's king of animalization Pajrov were both taken aback, obviously they didn't even know the name.

But the Son of Light of the Western Alliance narrowed the corner of his eyes: "Han Yu Xiaotian~ The one from Xinghan University who defeated the Purple Emperor and reached the top of the Xinghan Tianjiao list is you?"

Hearing what the Son of Light said about defeating the Purple Emperor, the others couldn't help changing their colors.

Han Yu Xiaotian's fame is too short after all, and has not yet been introduced into more powerful circles, but the name of the Purple Emperor has made many people know its power.

"You defeated the Purple Emperor?"

Pajrov of the Soviet country was a little unbelievable, and looked up and down at the young Han Yu Xiaotian who was a little excessive.

Although M's Reid didn't speak, the eyes that looked at Hanyu Xiaotian also began to be full of solemnity.

"It can't be called defeat, it's almost the same~"

Being able to delay the transformation of the universe and stars in his mind, Hanyu Xiaotian was naturally happy to wrestle with them.

But the Child of Light obviously didn't want to delay time, he snorted: "No matter if you defeated the Purple Emperor or not, I won't take it to heart. Now this kind of scene, I hope you still know the current affairs as a handsome, let the place open , Leave it to everyone to explore together, otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear."

Looking at the fiery eyes of the other three parties, Xiang Yu and the others knew that the other party was definitely not joking. If they didn't let go, it was very likely that they would face an attack from the three parties in the next second.

At this time, the people on the Huaxia side looked at Hanyu Xiaotian again.

Just when the Children of Light were about to lose their patience, Hanyu Xiaotian suddenly smiled flatly: "Also, since you can come here, of course you are also qualified to explore.

Then we will leave this place temporarily, and after you have seen it, we will discuss its ownership again~"

Having said that, Han Yu Xiaotian retreated without hesitation.

When Xiang Yu and others saw Han Yu Xiaotian did so, after looking at each other, they followed and left their original position~

China’s move obviously exceeded the expectations of the other three parties, but they did not act for a while~

Hanyu Xiaotian chose to sit in a clearing with his eyes closed~


The weird calm did not last long. After the beastly king of the Soviet kingdom rushed toward the center stone pillar with a roar, M and the Western Alliance moved in unison.

The three forces pounced there almost indiscriminately, and I don't know who was the first to act. Amidst the roar of clamor, a melee began.

However, the Huaxia side, which was originally at the center of the whirlpool, became a spectator at this moment. The fact is no more strange.

"Commander Xiang Yu, are we just waiting like this?"

Leng Feng approached Xiang Yu and asked.

"Wait, wait. With so many forces, the ownership of that place can't be determined in a short time. Besides, we can't participate in it now~"

Xiang Yu first looked at Han Yu Xiaotian, who closed his eyes and meditated, then looked at the strongest figures of the three parties who were fighting, and said with some sigh...