Turn the Universe

Chapter 912: Undercurrents (2)

"Everyone, we have been in peace for too long. What made you relax your vigilance and think that the people of the Holy See will not do anything to us? Have you really regarded each other as our friends?"

Nicholas said again with a slight sarcasm.

At this time, everyone did not care about the tone of the authority in their parliament, but began to think about Nicholas's original proposal.

Can kill the priest and the four apologists of the Holy See in a short time, the strength of the opponent is indeed qualified to be their alliance, if this is the case, it seems that it is not impossible~~

"Marquis Nicholas, then how do you plan to find them and persuade them to become our alliance?" The Wolf King's tone changed at this time.

When faced with the pressure of the Holy See, no one can be calm.

The two sides have been fighting for thousands of years, and they naturally know how terrible each other is.

"First, of course, find them, and then use the sincerity of our ancient nobles to impress them. Finally, gifts are of course inevitable. But the weight of gifts depends on the strength of the other party.

First of all, let's start with the recent mobile personnel of Huaxia, Abu Diga and Tian* Dynasty.

Well, Earl Phil, didn’t we rescue a Chinese giant in the hands of the Holy See some time ago, just take him to the Huaxia District and let him spread the glory of the Lord of the Holy See..."


Not to mention the undercurrent surging on the ancient tower star~

At dusk, Hanyu Xiaotian was leading Xiao Hei on the street in the Huaxia District of Saint-Emilion. At this time, only Leng Yu was following him, and everyone else was on vacation by him.

Gu Li, Meng Canyue and Mo Tianyun seemed to be stimulated after hearing that Han Yu Xiaotian had directly suppressed three masters equivalent to the first level of the Purple Emperor. Anyway, nothing happened in a short time, so they just Started to practice hard day and night in the exercise room that Li Shun arranged for them~

"Leng Yu, does the Holy See in the West seem to be very domineering? I thought they could really use the Lord's glory and light to contain everything."

Recalling how people from the Western Union Holy See came to China to investigate the migrant population in the recent period, Han Yu Xiaotian curled his lips slightly.

The Holy See on the ancient tower has truly shown its dominance these days. Tens of thousands of apologists, priests, and other priests of all levels have all been dispatched, and even many followers of the Holy See have joined them. Carried out a carpet search and investigation on all third-party forces.

This move naturally aroused the vigilance and dissatisfaction of countless people, and also let others know that Guta Star must have happened something that affected the nerves of the Holy See.

"Young Master Xiaotian, although they claim to be followers of the Lord, they want to tolerate everything. But they also use the Lord's name to do tyrannical things."

Han Yu Xiaotian nodded his head with approval.

"By the way, isn't there a dark alliance that specifically opposes the Holy See? We killed their members some time ago. Why didn't they move at all?"

Leng Yu smiled: "These people are completely different from the Holy See. Although they are called the Dark Alliance, they have always regarded themselves as orthodox Western Alliance nobles.

Bridges such as revenge and hatred will not happen to them. This is a bit like our Huaxia's style of ‘skills are inferior to others, willing to be inferior’. In fact, they have always had a good reputation in the human underground world~"