Turn the Universe

Chapter 948: Whim

Nicholas, who was portraying the army map, heard Hanyu Xiaotian's words and couldn't help shaking his fingers. Then he slowly stopped and asked: "Hanyu, have you noticed something?"

According to Nicholas’s cognition and plan, although the Holy See has four archbishops on the Guta, they are not in harmony with each other and have different thoughts. And this time, starting from Louis, they are entirely possible to change the Holy See. Swallow a little bit.

However, Han Yu Xiaotian frowned and did not speak.

Although he admired the wisdom shown by Nicholas, there was still something wrong in his heart at the moment.

What is this feeling?

A little uneasy, still a little bit~~

Feeling dangerous!

The whim of the profound rank powerhouse!

This was Hanyu Xiaotian's first whim after entering the Profound Stage.

On a whim, it is an ability naturally born after the Chinese martial artist enters the realm of profound and profound.

They perceive something that is going to happen to themselves through the mysterious induction between the heaven and the earth and the change of the magnetic field of something.

To put it bluntly, something about yourself in the outside world will cause a change in the magnetic field, which will eventually give birth to a certain idea in the spirit of the strong master~

This is also a mysterious ability of the butterfly effect.

"Leng Yu, do you feel anything wrong?"

Somewhat unsure of his feelings, Han Yu Xiaotian asked Leng Yu, who was also a Profound Stage.

"Young Master Xiaotian, I don't have the slightest feeling. However, although Leng Yu advanced earlier than you, he still didn't fully reach the Xuan Rank.

The whim of the so-called black rank martial artist can be said to be very weak.

Unlike you, you have already reached the realm of the fourth rank of the profound heart before entering the profound stage.

Now, your realm has far surpassed me. In addition, you are already a great supernatural power, and profound sense induction is extremely powerful, so if you do have any induction now, I hope you will pay attention. "

Hearing Leng Yu's words, Nicholas also took it seriously: "Han Yu, I have heard of the magical induction ability of your strong Chinese. If you really have induction now, please speak out."

"Maybe it was my illusion. I felt a trace of danger in this action. Perhaps, we missed something?"

After speaking, he didn't care about other people's thoughts, and Han Yu Xiaotian began to think along the revelation.

"According to the current situation of the Holy See, a bishop Louis is obviously not enough to fear. So where is the problem?

There are four archbishops in Guta Star. After the other three bishops arrived, they basically stayed still, just observing the movements of Louis.

A plate of loose sand~

Are they really loose sand?

What if the three bishops belong to the same group?

And did the tricks of confusion that Louis arranged really work? "

Hearing Hanyu Xiaotian's muttering, Marquis Nicholas and several titans of the Dark Alliance could not help but gradually began to look heavy.

"Mr. Han Yu, do you think too much?

According to the information we have, the three bishops have not had any contact over the years.

Moreover, even today, even Louis’ confidant, the Grand Priest Lawrence, did not walk with him, but led the team to confuse the sight of the other three bishops..."