Turn the Universe

Chapter 957: War (1)

"Dear Mr. Wolf King and Ms. Medusa, your race seems to have suffered heavy losses? Is this really okay?"

Seeing this scene that was almost a one-sided massacre for the time being, Han Yu Xiaotian not only asked.

Medusa did not feel the slightest sadness because of the sacrifice of the people. She smiled: "Han Yu, you are really a sympathetic person~

Although our Medusa clan is not strong enough, the biggest advantage is that there are many people in the clan~

If I don't ask the Holy See to consume it every year, even I have a headache. "

The Wolf King also nodded: "High-level clansmen are naturally reluctant to consume them like this. These are low-level clansmen. They are low-level clansmen, and they reproduce fast. They really need the Holy See to help consume some.

The word "breeding" made Hanyu Xiaotian and the others understand that these dark creatures that were being continuously consumed were not regarded by them as true highly intelligent creatures.


The super gunners of the underground world shot again, and the original sniper rifles kept shooting and killing the sergeants of the Western Alliance.

"Those **** black guns, oh no, these dark creatures are too many, we can't kill them!"

"Retreat, they are too fast. Let the samurai of the Holy See deal with them~"

"No, Jester, be careful!"

Soon, a huge number of wolves and snake girls quickly swept across the mountains and appeared in front of the sergeants of the Western Alliance.


With the first scream, the sergeants guarding the periphery of the huge camp were quickly torn open several holes, and their thermal weapons could no longer effectively achieve coverage shooting.

Seeing that the periphery was about to be breached, a voice came from the camp.

"Under the Lord's glory, everything will retreat, whether it is dark, decayed, or broken, those who disobey the Lord's will, you will all be doomed to perish and plunge into eternal darkness."

As soon as the voice fell, a brilliant cross with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the sky above the camp.

In the night sky, it seemed so sacred and so bright.

"The brilliance shines, the darkness retreats!"

A chanting sounded, accompanied by countless chants, the cross was lighted up, and it radiated towards the surrounding space without blind spots~



In the light of the light, countless snake girls and werewolves burst into white smoke, howling and falling to the ground. After a while, they were motionless.

The extremely condensed light energy is really too lethal to them who rely on dark energy to survive.

"Our Bishop Louis took the shot so early? It seems that he is in a bit urgent mood."

"Yeah, let's quickly play our role and help Louis finish the scene he directed."

"Sorcerer Gulie, it's up to you~"

"Hehehehe~, what I hate the most in my life is the power of light."

The dark wizard Gu Lie, who was completely covered in a spacious black robe, suddenly took out an altar-like object that was several people in size and placed it on the ground. Then he took his dark crutch and pointed it on the altar and began to read.

"Emissary of darkness, you are the dead walking in the world, and the home of all living beings. The light will eventually dissipate because of your arrival, and darkness will eventually cover the world~"

Following the spell of the dark wizard Gu Lie, strange waves suddenly appeared on the circular altar...