Turn the Universe

Chapter 1890: Snapshot

When the Tai Chi diagram appeared in the air, the world seemed to be quiet.

The ancient treasures of Abu Diga’s Phantom King are stagnant~

The sky full of profound energy among the powerful forces is temporarily suspended~

Even the slowly changing portal of Emperor Shun's tomb stopped for a while, as if it was really frozen...

And in this instant, Hanyu smiled and moved~

Stepping in, Hanyu Xiaotian's hand fluctuated with inexplicable space power, first directly penetrated the energy mask of the skeleton body that was also stuck in stagnation, and collected the innate rune-patterned gods in the hands of the row of skeleton guards. ~

Then, he glanced at the corner of his eye, then his figure shook, and he came to a long sword that was about to pierce into an elder of Guxia Academy and took it away from the opponent's hand~

In the end, Han Yu Xiaotian's figure shook again and came to the side of the women of the Xuannv Sect. Before the shuttle-shaped artifact that was only the size of a fist and covered with black magic patterns, Zhang hand took it over~


After a while, the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture were still circulating slowly, but the mysterious wave that had stagnated everything disappeared, everything in the world began to restart, and everything resumed action again~

The chaotic and tyrannical energy mystery just now continues to follow its original orbit~

The grave continues to change slowly~

The silhouettes of everyone who stopped slightly at the moment of their fingers also started to move again...

The shouting and killing sound shook the sky, and no one seemed to have noticed that the world just now had stagnated for less than a second, and everything went on as usual.

However, only a moment later, some people still discovered something wrong~

"Huh? Where's my sword?"

A middle-aged man with a cold expression suddenly realized that the sword he had already pierced his opponent's chest had unexpectedly appeared on the ground!

When he discovered this scene, he couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat, and his heart contracted suddenly.

As for the elder of the Guxia Academy opposite him, he had planned to be injured, but suddenly found that his opponent’s sword had disappeared inexplicably. When it was weird, he found the opportunity and suddenly slapped it out. , Spit out blood and fly away...

"Ah? Where are the innate soldiers?"

"What? The Innate God Soldier in Skeleton's hand has disappeared? How is this possible? Obviously it was still here just now!"

"This.. What happened just now? I just seemed to be in a daze..."

"Huh? What's on our head... is Taiji Tu? What's the matter?"

In a panic, everyone who suddenly discovered this strange event suddenly panicked.

Just for a moment, under the eyes of all the skeletons, the hands of the skeleton who are still full of energy are already empty~

This kind of unthinkable thing shocked everyone, not knowing why.

But at this time, only the mysterious Tai Chi diagram that slowly rotates above their heads is making everyone's hearts tremble...


"Huh? What about the Assassin of Abdiga? Why is it missing?"

Liu Yunxu, the head of the Profound Girl sect, restored the sword aura she had just waved to the sky, and looked around with a little nervous and suspiciousness, and even her divine consciousness did not realize that it was still there just now. The phantom shuttle that shuttles left and right.

"Huh? Just now, I seemed to hear the voice of Han Yu..."

Xiao Yu'er was also puzzled for a moment, and then looked up...