Turn the Universe

Chapter 2003: The lost Buddhist supernatural powers

When this stalwart figure appeared, Hanyu Xiaotian's hands overlapped with his hands, and the **** opened slightly. At this moment, the lotus flower was in full bloom~


With Hanyu Xiaotian’s soft drink, he saw an invisible general trend that seemed to come from heaven and earth. It suddenly spewed from Hanyu Xiaotian’s handprints in full bloom like a lotus, toward the Jiuyin faction that covered the sky and covered the sun. The Jiuyin Ghost Formation rushed away...

Like a strong wind sweeping a hole.

The huge and indescribable world, with the power of endless stalwart, blows away the ghost sound and wind in an instant~

The sound of'Ghost Cry and Wolf Howl' disappeared instantly, and the masters of the Nine Yin Doors, amidst the screams, the Qi orifices bleed and fell towards the outside of the Mitian Xuefeng Mountain.

Only after a while, the continuous cold ghost air disappeared...


"What? This is... the great supernatural power of Buddhism? You are also a person in Buddhism? How is this possible? Hasn't Buddhism disappeared? How could there be such a great supernatural power that should be lost?"

The mist dissipated and the snowy peaks became clear again, and at the same time, the huge horror figure of the Jiuyin Ghost King, hundreds of meters long, clearly appeared in front of everyone~

But seeing this ghost king with nine heads, one big, eight small, hideous and ugly, body like a mountain, pitch black and shiny, blue veins and violent, eyes like ghosts, like a ghost king coming to the world, shocking soul.

At this moment, it was staring into a pair of terrifying big eyes, looking in the direction of Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Wow, what are you? How long... so ugly?"

Looking up, Han Yu Xiaotian saw it at a glance, the Jiuyin Ghost King who was even more hideous than the ancient monster Wuzhiqi...

Looks ugly~~

Han Yu Xiaotian's evaluation of the Jiuyin Ghost King... Let everyone be at peace...

In today's era, the evaluation of the strong can only be divided into the strong and the weak. Where can anyone comment on ‘ugly’...

"Hoo~ Where's the kid from! How dare to speak rudely to my Jiuyin Ghost King of the Jiuyin Sect? Looking for death!"

Hearing the inexplicable boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, he was indifferent to his evaluation, the Jiuyin Ghost King couldn't help being furious, and his murderous intent appeared in his heart. The huge black fist, like a mountain pillar, carries a cold ghostly wind, freezing the space. Towards this little bit in front of him, together with the direction of Tiantai Sect, Huayan Sect and other Buddhist schools, directly hammer!

"Hmph~ If you are a fierce beast... probably it will make it hard for me to swallow...huh? Do you want to bully the small?

Tsk Tsk, Mudra, Mu Nalu, Jie Cheng~~~"

Seeing the other party's huge body bursting with terrifying power, Han Yu Xiaotian muttered in disgust, and then a louder and magnificent mantra broke the sky and spread everywhere.

Handprints change rapidly~~

Then, in the void above it, a huge handprint flashing with boundless might appeared out of thin air, like a mountain, entrenched in the void.

This huge golden Buddha palm is even bigger than the nine-yin ghost king!

At the same time, the boundless Buddha's power oscillated, and the feeling of King Kong's life came out!

"Mudra-Donkey Kong Wheel Print!"

Donkey Kong wheel seal, everything is like body, speech, mind, vajra bound to wisdom seal. The supreme supernatural powers of the "Diamond Top Sutra" represent the wrath of the King Kong and crush all the external forces of evil spirits.

An aura like a mountain torrent and a vast ocean burst out from the palm prints, soaring into the sky, sweeping in all directions.

The giant Vajra wheel seal is as huge as a mountain, carrying a terrifying aura, like a sacred mountain, crushing the void, and slamming it in the direction of the Jiuyin Ghost King...
