Turn the Universe

Chapter 2022: Three camps

Over ten thousand is wild.

At this time, the human beings in this mountain and sea world had suffered heavy casualties, but there were still more than one hundred thousand.

Over 100,000, although it is still far from the Lich Clan, it is still far from being compared with the Lich Clan, but when so many human powers gather together, when the aura is distributed, it is also the true essence and profound intent that shakes the world, making the situation change, and the world is pale.

These people can be said to be the strong among the strong, not only the profound ranks are everywhere, but there are also a lot of the superior martial artists.

So many masters gathered together, for a time, the profound meaning was empty, and the laws soared to the sky. It not only showed the power of the human race, but also heralded the initial formation of the three races of witches, demons and humans...


Of course, although most of the human powers are slowly gathering together, they are not completely concentrated at this time, but are vaguely divided into three camps~

Abu Diga~

Heaven * Dynasty~


Abu Diga has now formed a strong camp with the cold weather under the Throne of the Holy Abyss as the head, and the moon weather and other world two soul realm powerhouses as a supplement.

When staying in the ancient Hades Taoism, a terrifying law of death, cold, and cold rippling out, and a terrible shadow of the Hades looming around him, as if to descend into the world and plunder all life.

And not only that, besides Lenghou, there are several mysterious figures in black clothes. Among these figures, two of them have the same powerful and incomparable atmosphere!

The strongest!

Of these mysterious black-robed men next to Lenghou, two of them are also powerful tiers!

If Han Yu Xiaotian were here, you would find that these figures actually included the Hell Ghost Dao Shengyin Sect Black Robe People and the Nine Yin Sect Nine Yin Ghost Kings!

These people from China’s mysterious **** ghosts actually stood with Abu Digalanghou and others~

And if you look closely, the aura rippling in these people is exactly the same as the cold and cold aura of Abdiga’s mysterious cold weather!

In addition, in addition to these powerhouses, there are also tens of thousands of powerhouses from Abdiga, distributed around Lenghou...


The Tian* Dynasty, at this time, there are tens of thousands of strong people in the Tian* Dynasty. They are headed by the four great royal families, and among them, the leader of the Amaterasu royal family is headed by Sato Yijia.

The center of the man’s brow, who claims to be the Amaterasu royal family Sato Yijia, is depicted with a red round mark, like an eye of a weird sun, bursts of red light are constantly shining, and the power of a weird soul, constantly Corrupt the other's mind.

That kind of horrible fluctuations revealed a strange power that was not under the power of the Huaxia Tier.

And it's not just that, the people of the four royal families Amaterasu, Wind Demon, Blood Mist, and Hokage vaguely resonate with each other, seeming to form four strange formations.

That kind of powerful and weird fluctuation is also extremely eye-catching. It is definitely not under the ancient monsters and beasts in the mountain and sea world~

Especially, the small mirror held by the Amaterasu royal family Sato Yijia at this time reveals the terrible fluctuations that shock all things...

Yata Mirror!

One of the three great artifacts of Tian* Dynasty!

This kind of thing is already a heaven-defying existence equivalent to the seventh-order artifact of China.

Although the people of the Tian* Dynasty couldn't fully exert the power of this artifact, even so, it was a terrifying force that made the strong of the tiers fear incomparable.

Under the light, everything will be as dust with the light, turning into dust...