Turn the Universe

Chapter 2105: Step into Tianmen

Hearing the roar that contained endless oppressive power just now, the candle dragon had clearly separated from the four elephants array and was rushing towards this place.

At the same time, the four great beasts of Yinglong, Enlightened Beast, Bifang, and Dragon Turtle are probably hard to please.

At this time, the candle dragon can be said to be an existence that no one can stop. If it waits for its arrival, it will be dangerous.

At that time, it is estimated that no one will be able to stop it from climbing to Kunlun Tianmen and gaining its origin.

But luckily~

Because of Hanyu Xiaotian's supernatural powers of the "prime ancient star and the four elephants", combined with Yinglong, enlightened beast, Bi Fang, dragon tortoise, etc., this time the Lich War has suppressed the candle dragon for a long time. , Bought enough time for Bai Ze and them.

Otherwise, the situation may be much more difficult than it is now...


"My emperor, let's go! The most important thing is that you enter the Kunlun Tianmen first, and we open the mountain and sea origin array."

At this moment, almost all obstacles have been removed, the beast Bai Ze issued a warning to Han Yu Xiaotian, and then said quickly.

"Oh? Well, Tianyun and Wanyue, you guys keep up, Bai Ze and I will go one step ahead!"

After a little thought, Han Yu Xiaotian greeted Mo Tianyun and the others with a roar, and immediately shook his figure and appeared on the back of the divine beast Bai Ze.

Although the witches near the main peak of Kunlun are still tyrannical and crazy, because Hanyu Xiaotian and the beast Bai Ze cleared the strongest witches, there are not many powerful witches that can threaten Motianyun, Meng Wanyue and others .

Moreover, according to Bai Ze, the most important thing is that before the ancient wizard gods like Zhulong and Zhu Rong arrive, Hanyu Xiaotian will step into Kunlun Tianmen with Bai Ze to open the mountain and sea origins. .

Therefore, Han Yu Xiaotian also made a decisive decision. According to Bai Ze, he took time with the Wu Clan...

"Don't worry, boss, you go first, we will arrive later!"

"Hurry up and follow Master Han Yu!"

"Keep up with the boss!"

"No, these witches want to get on the ground first, stop them!"

"Don't let them interfere with Xiaotian..."

Following Hanyu Xiaotian, the powerful human races are also fighting fiercely with the Wu race, while rushing towards the Tianmen on the top of Kunlun Mountain, quickly rushing...


No longer paying attention to the fierce battle in Kunlun, at this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian and the beast Baize are flashing away towards the Kunlun Mountain, the closest heaven gate to them, at the fastest speed~

Bai Ze's speed turned out to be faster than Han Yu Xiaotian's Yi Chi Tian Ya, this is also a natural magical power of the beast Bai Ze. The two quickly approached the Kunlun Heavenly Gate under a white smoke~

Now, even though the entire Kunlun Xu is still in a melee, the focus of the two sides' struggle has always been the top of Kunlun Mountain, where the origin is.

And now, it’s finally the last moment~




With the all-out effort of the beast Bai Ze, the two finally entered the Tianmen for the first time.

Hong, Huang, Yuan, Ancient~

When Hanyu Xiaotian stepped into the gate of the main peak of Kunlun Mountain again, the original aura of this mountain and sea world directly wrapped him~

The desolation is far away, the predicament is endless, like a mountain like a sea, washing away the ages...
