Turn the Universe

Chapter 2149: Return to Ancestor (2)

"Well, they have lost the power of worship and sacrifice of the Witch for countless years, and have begun to degenerate... They are returning to what they were like millions of years ago..."

Bai Ze watched the more and more obvious changes in the ancient witch gods, and said with recollection.

"But returning to ancestors...is it so obvious?"

Han Yu Xiaotian said in surprise.

If this scene is seen by human scientists studying biology in the outside world, it will definitely be exclaimed, because human beings have never seen such a direct and obvious reversion phenomenon, and it happened so brightly in front of their own eyes.

"That said, their so-called wisdom... has also degraded and turned into the most primitive monster beast?"

Han Yu Xiaotian asked again as if thinking of something again.

In this world of mountains and seas, in addition to the indigenous witch tribes who have some wisdom, the pure monsters, only the sacred beast Bai Ze can be called "wisdom", and it is incomparable wisdom, even this kind of wisdom is simply One of its talents~

This is also the biggest reason why Bai Ze is called a divine beast by Chinese myths and legends.

The sacred beast Bai Ze, also relying on this unparalleled wisdom and prediction, once assisted the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in managing the big monster beast clan; instructed the Yellow Emperor; after Taiyi disappeared, he commanded the monster beast clan to deal with the Lich war... ...

As for other ancient and powerful monsters such as Yinglong, phoenix, gluttonous, enlightened beast, ghost car, etc., although they also have some ability to think and wisdom, but more, they are still a family of monsters. The brutal instinct.

And now, these ancient witch gods such as Zhulong, Zhu Rong, Houtu, etc., have begun to return to their ancestors because they have lost the power of the ritual beliefs of the witch tribe. Not only have those parts of the mark on the road disappeared, but even their wisdom has begun to degenerate~

As a result of this, these witch gods disappeared completely, and once again became the pure monsters of the prehistoric world a million years ago...


"Yes, my lord, and their ambitions will disappear as they return to their ancestors. From then on, they will return to the ranks of monsters, and there will be no more witches in the mountains and seas... ..."

The beast Baize respectfully answered Han Yu Xiaotian's words.

The battle of the Lich in the mountains and seas has been going on for millions of years. Generations of monsters and witches have been fighting for the origin of the mountains and seas.

Now, this long-running war of Lich was finally on the scene of the return of the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi. For a while, Bai Ze was not only a little bit emotional.

However, Hanyu Xiaotian does not have as much emotion and thought as the beast Bai Ze~

"Well, that said, there will be no more Lich Wars to watch in the future..."

Thinking back to the magnificent and vast battle scene, Han Yu Xiaotian suddenly felt a sense of regret that he could never see the wonderful scene again.


After not knowing how to answer again, the beast Bai Ze suddenly remembered something and asked Hanyu Xiaotian again~

"Well... my emperor, look... how do you deal with the witch gods and great witches of the witch race?"

In this battle of Lich, the indigenous Wu tribes are almost dead. If there are still remnants, with countless monsters, Bai Ze believes that those remnants will have no room for survival.

However, at this time, how to deal with the original great witches and witch gods of these witch races who are returning to their ancestors, it needs Hanyu Xiaotian, the returning emperor Taiyi, to decide...
