Turn the Universe

Chapter 2186: appear

Jiutian Peak.

Although the appearance of the red bronze battleship at this moment is extremely miserable, looking at the eyes of the Mo Tianyun, the Profound Girl Gate, the Vermilion Ling League and others on the Jiutian Peak, it still makes them feel shocked.

The horrifying power of the meteorite impact of the Hanyu Xiaotian Imperial Envoy just now can be said to be seen by everyone.

That kind of terrifying energy like a natural disaster, not to mention a space battleship, even a smaller planet, will be stripped of its skin...

It is said that the Earth, the home planet of mankind, was hit by some huge meteorites hundreds of millions of years ago. As a result, it triggered a force equivalent to hundreds of thousands of atomic bombs, caused endless tsunami magma, and caused heavy damage to the earth. Go to countless ancient biological species at that time.

At this time, the red bronze battleship of King Abu Diga Guyue in front of everyone, although it seemed miserable and badly damaged in appearance, it did not hurt the root.

This also made them realize for the first time that Abdiga’s comprehensive strength has reached a terrifying level...


Sure enough, in the heavy gazes of Liu Yunxu and others at the Profound Girl Gate, just a moment later, there was a sudden sound inside the Abu Diga red bronze battleship, and then a light gate appeared, and thousands of tyrannical auras burst into the sky. ~

"Bold! How dare you to offend Abu Diga!"

"Who is it! Asshole, I want to destroy your nine races!"

"Damn it, is it the Nine Sky Profound Girl? You guys are looking for death..."

The thousands of figures that emerged from the battleship, although all seemingly embarrassed, their auras are extremely powerful.

Most of them are wearing uniform armor uniforms, and should be the guards of King Gu Yue.

At the same time, there are dozens of top powerhouses exuding incomparable aura. Some of these people practice ancient martial arts, while others are supernaturalists and genetically modified warriors.

However, the powerful aura of these people is no less inferior than Liu Yunxu, Meng Wanyue and others. They should be the top powerhouses under the ancient Yue throne like the thorn king and the red bronze king in the mountain and sea world.

And the last one that emerged from the light gate of the bronze battleship was a huge black jade throne~

The Black Jade Throne took off, and among the billowing black clouds, there seemed to be a battle spirit roaring and killing. At the same time, a figure on the throne is like a demon coming to the world, with a huge black aura on its body, just like the abyss demon king, the vast sea and yellow sand, endless, endless~

King Gu Yue!


"Liu Yunxu, the head of the Profound Girl Sect? It's really you? You actually came back from the secret realm of the mountain and sea... It seems... the action of the three of them failed..."

The Gu Yue King who appeared from the bronze battleship did not kill him in the direction of Jiutianfeng in the first place, but gloomily observed the rescued Jiutian Profound Girl sect, and those newly appeared on Jiutianfeng. Top people.

The figure of Liu Yunxu, the head of the mysterious girl, was noticed at first glance.

I have been staring at the Xuannv Sect secretly for a long time, and Liu Yunxu, the head of the Xuannv Sect, has naturally long been known to the Gu Yue King.

Now seeing the figure of Liu Yunxu, the head of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl sect, appearing on the top of the Nine Heavens Peak, King Gu Yue naturally recognized it at a glance...
