Turn the Universe

Chapter 2292: Purple Emperor shot (2)


A sound like mountains and rivers collapsed suddenly, and the world lost its voice.

Afterwards, centered on the point where the purple emperor’s punch and the giant claws of Golden Bimon hit, the ripples of power like hurricane floods spread out in the direction of the center of the ring~


The terrible power directly caused the ring to collapse, shattered every inch, and turned into debris in the sky, floating and extinct. It even made the protective cover on the edge of the ring violently oscillate, as if it could not bear the force, twisted and deformed.

The wind and clouds change color, the world is silent...


One second, two seconds~

One minute, two minutes~

I don’t know how long it has passed. When this terrifying collision gradually subsided, the two figures appeared again~

The Purple Queen retreated several tens of meters, and the gold than Monseminov was also blasted out of the center of the ring...



After the silence, a violent uproar resounded through the entire martial arts field again.

"That's... Purple Emperor!"

"It's the Invincible Purple Emperor, the Purple Emperor has taken action!"

"So strong! Seminov was actually blasted back~"

At this moment, looking at the two figures reappearing on the ring, everyone just remembered that on the side of Xinghan University, it was only Motianyun three who had always shot, and the obviously more powerful Purple Emperor and Hanyu Xiaotian, but It’s been'chattering' all the time.

Now, as Mo Tianyun, Coulee and others and Seminov of Dunk University are in a tug of war, the Purple Emperor, the once-famous Invincible Tianjiao, has overshadowed the invincible king of an era, after nearly two years. Later, I finally shot again...


Invincible Fist~

With a punch, Seminov, who had turned into a golden behemoth, flew out.

Although the Purple Emperor himself retired at the same time, in terms of the tonnage equivalent between the Purple Emperor and the Behemoth Behemoth, the Purple Emperor's strength is undoubtedly stronger!

From the second beastization of Andre, the **** of death praying mantis, Anatoli, etc., to the crushing of Motianyun and Gu Li, to the king of beastization, Seminov Perfect beastization, and finally to the present invincible Purple Emperor~

The waves of climax after wave made the hearts of countless spectators excited, especially the students of Xinghan University, even more excited.

Undoubtedly, the collision of the top tianjiao kings of the Seventh District of the Human Federation*, Seminov and the Purple Emperor, made countless people’s blood boil again~


On the ring.

"It's you! Purple Emperor.. Have you finally made a move.. Hum, it's not bad as expected, as an invincible arrogant juxtaposition with me.

But... if two years ago, I might have to be more cautious, but today...you are not enough to be side by side with me, the horror of the perfect beast king is not what you can imagine..."

Seeing the purple figure on the opposite side, Seminov made a thunderous sound after a heavy grunt, and at the same time, a powerful light was revealed in his eyes.

Obviously, the strength increase brought by the super-enhanced animalized genetic reagent to Seminov made him extremely confident.

At the same time, this perfect genetic beastization will not make Seminov appear like the violent demon bear and others. After the second beastization, the brain will not work well, but it will still perfectly maintain humanity. Rational thinking.
