Turn the Universe

Chapter 2310: Heaven and earth reverse the universe an

With the reappearance of Hanyu Xiaotian’s innate gossip supernatural powers, this vast array of water, fire, wind and thunder and other major disasters are constantly shrinking back~

However, between the palms of Hanyu Xiaotian's hands, the changes in this world are far from over~

"Qiantian, Kundi."

At this moment, looking at the truly most terrifying power in the Universe Infinite Array-the universe that is still constantly overturning and overlapping and wanting to crush all things, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes flashed and he uttered four words again... ..


Qiangua of gossip!

Dry for the sky, dry up and down pure Yang hexagram, strong and healthy. The dry six lines are all dripping, perfect and flawless.

"Biography" said: Great Qianyuan, the beginning of all things, is the sky. Yunxing rains, product logistics. The end of the Ming Dynasty, the beginning of the six people. Time to ride six dragons to protect the sky. Changes in the main road, each righteous life, to maintain harmony, is Lizhen.


Kun Gua of gossip!

Kun is the earth, the upper Kun and the lower Kun are pure Yin Gua, softly stretched, vast and boundless, and everything grows.

"彖" said: the ultimate Kunyuan, all things are born, and they are descended from heaven. Kunhou carries things, and Germany is boundless.


"The world is turned upside down, the world is upside down!"

Looking at the vast array of space, the universe that is constantly closing and overturning, with a solemn gaze, Hanyu Xiaotian's palm flipped slightly~


A very strange sound came out, as if some machine in motion had been forcibly interrupted.

Afterwards, the loud sound of "Rumble Rumble" suddenly sounded, and in a deafening world, the world with no great array of universe, even the naked eye, tilted...


Dry for the sky, clean for the sky;

Kun is the ground, muddy, and down.

The position of the universe and the way are natural, since ancient times, it is irreversible.

But now, in front of hundreds of thousands of people, this peak of their cognition has happened~

The heaven and the earth are reversed, the universe is subverted...


"What? What happened? Why... the world is turning?"

"I... is it my illusion? The sky is upside down? Am I standing upside down... the earth... is on top..."

"Oh my God, the whole world has turned over! My feet are on top, and under my head is the sky!"

Inexplicably inhaling, countless people fell into a feeling of extreme shock.

At this moment, in everyone's perception, the world has been completely reversed, the sky is below, and the earth is above.

And they also turned upside down together, head down, feet up, this feeling was extremely strange.

At the same time, the world, which had been continuously united under the control of the five members of the Universe Academy, was also separated again in this reversal of the universe...


"Ah, heaven and earth are beginning to separate again! That sense of oppression is gone..."

"The Universe Without Great Array... was completely broken..."

"Heaven and earth reverse... Is this true? That... How did Han Yu Xiaotian do it..."

This is a dreamlike scene that makes everyone feel very weird and shocking. At the same time, in the deepest part of their hearts, there is a kind of...awe for the instigator...


Between the palms, the wind and thunder dissipated, the fire and water receded, and the mountain was calm, and even the universe was overturned~

Is this the man at Xinghan University who has never shot but is called the king?

Is this the person who calls his boss even with a peerless arrogant such as Mo Tianyun, Meng Wanyue, and Gu Li?

This is the person who has to bow his head and become a minister even with the powerful strength of the invincible king and ground level cultivation of the Purple Emperor...
