Turn the Universe

Chapter 2322: unknown

Once, Hanyu Xiaotian chose Niguxing as the real reason for his practice in the world because of the mystery here!

It has been more than 600 years since Nicholas was mined by the Federation of Humanity, but there are still many mysteries that cannot be solved by humans, and areas that cannot be reached.

Among them, some extremely ancient patterns, according to repeated arguments by human archaeologists, are definitely not made by nature and have existed for at least 100 million years.

Lin Lin has shown that there are some unknown existences who have visited this planet.

So, what height has their civilization reached? Did they live or travel here, did they go extinct or went to other planets?

And, are they...the civilization of this universe...

No one knows all this...


After Hanyu Xiaotian asked what he was thinking, Mo Yan also gave a wry smile~

"Our human beings were born in too short a time. Although we have discovered many ruins and secrets after entering the starry sky age, we have not even seen the real surviving aliens in our universe, let alone stepped out of the Milky Way. Not to mention the problem of understanding parallel universes."

Regarding this question, Mo Yan is really unable to answer.

However, the spaceships, the dead giant spirit races and the transparent strange creatures that Han Yu Xiaotian and others obtained in the Heluo Ruins at the time really surprised China, and even the entire Human Federation.

This made them feel a bit heavier while puzzled.


Although he has been at war with the opponent for three hundred years, perhaps his own party has never seen the true face of the opponent.

They faintly felt that the horror of the other party was far above human imagination. The mystery of the other party makes human beings feel more uneasy...

It's just that human beings really can't make judgments about things 100 million years ago, and maybe even more, and they can only put it aside for the time being.

However, this matter has made the high-levels of the Human Federation even more determined to strictly guard the deserted battlefield and resolutely not allow the opponent to break through...


"Then... teacher... Since it is a parallel universe, is there any other civilization similar to ours in that universe?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Han Yu Xiaotian continued to ask curiously.

"This is not known. Although the Federation of Humanity has discovered that parallel universe for three hundred years, we still stay in this overlapping space until today, and we have never really entered the other side. universe.

However, according to normal rules, the giant spirit of the other party, just like our humans, is a species that has developed into a high civilization in the parallel universe.

At the same time, the other party has many powerful species with high intelligence.

But in the opponent's universe, whether there are other civilizations and what kind of power they have, we don't know. "

Mo Yan shook his head and said.


The other party wants to invade the human side of the universe, but why don't humans want to enter the other side's parallel universe to explore the mysteries?

It’s just that, at this moment, in that overlapping space, both sides have deployed a large amount of war materials and forces, and have launched many wars, turning that place into a barren land, but they did not really win. Negative, let alone open up the space channel...
