Turn the Universe

Chapter 2344: Dark Canyon

"Where is that dark place? Are we really going to pass there?"

At this moment, looking at a dark place ahead, Han Yu smiled and asked Luo Nan involuntarily.

Standing on the hill, you can see that not far in front of Hanyu Xiaotian and the others, a long and narrow huge dark place is lying quietly on the ground.

This dark place is like a huge dried-up canyon. It does not know where to start or end. It is like a huge mouth opened by the earth, it grows beyond imagination...


As for the width, only relying on line of sight measurement, this dark canyon is at least tens of kilometers wide, and the most open place may be hundreds of kilometers.

This kind of distance can only be directly flown over by a strong ground-level man who can cross the void with his body.

As for the Huang-tier and Xuan-tier martial artists who can only rely on true essence for short-distance flying in the air, it is impossible to achieve it. Moreover, there are also major alchemists, rune masters, and refiners among the crowd. , Can only go deep into the dark canyon...


"Well... I can only go from here. I don't know how long this gorge is. If you go around, it will only consume more time and increase the probability of danger..."

Luo Nan thought for a while, then decided.

Although there may be unpredictable dangers hidden inside the gloomy canyon, it is negligible compared to the danger that may be encountered in a long time to bypass the entire canyon.

Time is the most precious.

The sooner you return to the human base, the less danger you will encounter.

Regarding this point, Luo Nan, who has fought on a deserted battlefield for nearly ten years, has already demonstrated countless times.

And with Luo Nan's decision, everyone set off again toward that dark valley...



At the junction of light and darkness, huge dark green vines are intertwined, sinking into the bottomless darkness.

The strands of cold wind, mixed with a damp and cold breath, gently moved the vines to shake. At the same time, there was a faintly looming **** aura drifting by, which made people feel faintly uneasy.

While the vines swayed, the human shadows continued to circulate their auras, and with the help of their forces, they drooped towards the cliff wall, bringing a few different auras to this quiet and cold huge canyon.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, these figures had completely sunk into the darkness, and no signs were visible...


"It feels so cold, the canyon is too deep, when will it sink?"

In the descending line, a middle-aged man in the robe of an alchemist, his brows were already tightly frowned at this moment.

As the quiet and cold environment became darker, the perseverance and endurance generally far surpassed ordinary craftsmen and rune masters, but some magicians and alchemists obviously began to feel a little irritable.

"Master Li Feng, it's a bit slippery here, be careful. Well, that Luo Nan is indeed a little too cautious.

I have a ‘streaming light vertical cloud ladder’, which can fall 10,000 meters above the sky without any problems. If you catch me, I’ll take you down directly. "

Guo Zhifeng, a follower of the alchemist Li Feng, couldn't help but speak when he saw Li Feng's dissatisfaction.
