Turn the Universe

Chapter 2378: Is this still a rune master?

If the mysterious three-eyed black panther beside Hanyu Xiaotian killed those earth armor beasts and swallowed the spirit crystals, they could still barely accept it~

However, when they saw Hanyu Xiaotian eating Lingjing like jelly beans at this moment, the worldview of Luo Nan and the masters of the special teams was completely subverted~

It has always been different world creatures that eat human powerhouses as high-energy active substances. When did humans start to eat other world creatures?

And what I ate was its core spirit crystal...


Luo Nan and other special team members are also veterans who have stayed in the deserted battlefield for many years. They have also seen countless human powers' uses for spirit crystals~

There are those who study the structure of the spirit crystal, some try to decompose the energy of the spirit crystal, some use the spirit crystal to study inlaid on mecha or colon armor, and some take it away from the outside world as energy for spacecraft or high-energy guns, and some The spirit crystal is used as the energy of the mysterious world~

And now that all these have made some progress, humans have also seen the extreme importance and forward-looking nature of the spirit crystals, and they regard it as a possible opportunity for human civilization to go further.


In the more than three hundred years since the birth of this deserted battlefield, there has not been a human being directly eating spirit crystals like Hanyu Xiaotian...


this is one.

There is a second~

All human beings on the deserted battlefield know that the hardness and density of the spirit crystal are incredible, and it is a crystal that is countless times harder than the diamond in the human world.

Even the magical soldiers below the sixth rank of humans can't help it.

Only with a level 6 or above, and the runes are specially designed for cutting, sharpness and other attributes, or a laser gamma knife specially used for cutting high hardness materials, can the spirit crystal be separated.


Han Yu Xiaotian was just in front of everyone just now, using his teeth to crush the spirit crystal like jelly beans...


Could it be~

This person's teeth are already comparable to the Sixth Rank Magic Soldier?

How is this possible?

Is this still a rune master?

Who are the people that Master Mo Yan introduced...


Although it hasn't been a day since entering the deserted battlefield, Luo Nan found that he couldn't understand this Hanyu Xiaotian more and more.

Moreover, seeing Hanyu Xiaotian eating spirit crystals at this moment, a feeling of a human-shaped beast, suddenly appeared in Luo Nan's heart...

In fact, how could Luo Nan know that although Hanyu Xiaotian, the humanoid evildoer, is human in appearance and body structure, its body cells, including teeth, are all unknown creatures indigenous to the king of forest Composed of cell structure.

And Hanyu Xiaotian has reached the cell structure of the seven-star Moriwang planet indigenous creatures, not only more dense and terrifying than the spiritual crystal structure, but also born with the law like the runes of heaven and earth-hard, Majestic and indelible~

Therefore, even the most core spirit crystals of these creatures in the different world, under Hanyu Xiaotian’s ‘best mouth’, shattered without resistance...


"Well, you haven't eaten Lingjing for so many years on the deserted battlefield? Then.. Do you want to try? Can you try? Wanyue and Tianyun do you want to try? Although there is no barbecue that is delicious, it is a bit sweet and tastes. Okay..."

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian, who was chewing on the crunchy spirit crystals, looked at the group of silently horrified Luo Nan and others, and simply started selling...
