Turn the Universe

Chapter 2388: Hanyu Juxiao shot

The centaurs of these higher creatures in different worlds seem to be able to rely on the energy of ‘cultivation’ in their bodies to form various terrifying weapons to control.

This terrifying ability is enough to make the vast majority of human powers look discolored.

At this time, this centaur obviously saw the terrifying power of Coulee, so he stopped transforming heavy weapons, abandoned his power and chose speed and weirdness.


When the terrible stabbing hit, the space seemed to be unable to withstand the thunder-like stabbing, making a screaming cry to the extreme, and even creating the illusion of collapse, making the blow seem to break through the distance of the space in an instant. He came to Coulee's side...

However, just when this horrific stabbing with appalling discoloration just came to the dead corner of Coulee's body-between the third and fourth ribs where the side heart is located, a huge bronze palm appeared abruptly. In front of it...



Amid the loud crash, under the bronze palm that suddenly appeared, the serpentine spear that disappeared in the air inexplicably was finally revealed, but it stayed in front of the palm in front of it.

At the same time, a giant figure with a bronze skin also appeared in front of him~

Frost feather giant sky!


At this time, the body of Hanyu Juxiao, no smaller than Coulee, is like a big bronze ancient bell, deep and full, and at the same time pieces of ancient and mysterious scriptures appear like tadpoles, appearing little by little from its bell body, constantly cruising... ...

Bronze immortal body!

After blocking the serpentine spear of the centaur, Hanyu Juxiao glanced at the other side slightly, and the tadpole scriptures flowed in his other hand, and then, a bronze spear suddenly appeared.


"Bronze Killing God!"

A faint voice sounded.

The bronze light in the eyes of the cold feather giant sky suddenly shot out several meters away, and at the same time, the bronze ancient spear in his hand carried a terrifying mood that shattered everything and crushed the yin and yang, instantly stabbed out~



In the horrible flow of scriptures, a sense of despair that could not be resisted instantly appeared in the feeling of the centaur, making its body directly stiff, and at the same time, the expression in his eyes revealed the slightest fear.

However, this fear was quickly replaced by darkness. In the center of his body, a huge hole appeared at some point in time, and the flesh inside was turned into ashes and nothingness by a bronze spear. ...

Super Martial Arts-Bronze Killing Nerves!


"Huh, Centaur, isn't that great..."

A cold snort came, and after looking at each other, Gu Li and Hanyu Juxiao seemed to clap their hands in dissatisfaction.

I have long noticed the explosive muscles and extremely powerful strength of these centaur creatures. Gu Li and Hanyu Juxiao seem to be delighted by the hunt. This time they did not wait for Meng Yue, Gu Qingxue and others to take action. Joint shot.

However, although the opponent is also powerful, it is not the opponent of these two people after all. With just one or two moves, both of them died.

At this moment, Gu Li and Hanyu Juxiao's impossibly mountain-like aura, but they set off like a real giant, reaching the sky and the earth, suppressing the waste...
