Turn the Universe

Chapter 2455: Hanyu Xiaotian's promotion

Hanyu Xiaotian, who always remembered the spirit crystals of other world creatures, had been thinking about how to earn a lot of spirit crystals along the way.

In the end, he found that the easiest and best way seemed to be to let a large number of ancient warriors ‘work’ for him through his identity as a rune master...

In this way, it might conflict with his purpose of ‘low-key’ studying runes, but in order to ‘eat’, Han Yu Xiaotian had to make some ‘sacrifices’.

Therefore, after entering the Vast Sky City, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but start selling it as soon as he saw these labors who were about to "work" for him in the future...



The great human powerhouses in these deserted battlefields in Vast Sky City were still talking about the arrival of Luo Nan and others.

But suddenly saw a handsome and elegant young man promoting himself like a hawker, and everyone was shocked.


Mo Yan's personal disciple...


This young man is a rune master?

So, these outsiders and Luo Nan's special team came to Vast Sky City together, is Luo Nan and his protection mission?

The target is the runemaster who entered the barren battlefield from the outside world?

His eyes quickly glanced from Wu Zhixiong, Zhou Yong and others, and the major human experts couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Because they found that these people were wearing rune masters, alchemists and other standard clothes, and their ranks were not low.

In this case, the strength of their Vast Sky City will be stronger again, and the speed at which their gods can repair runes can also be increased by one point...



What the young man said just now, "Take care of the business, be a childish man"...what is going on?

This is not like the words spoken by the noble rune master, but like a vendor in the market...

Moreover, although Hanyu Xiaotian's clothes are also runemaster clothes, there is no wavy line representing the rank of the runemaster. What is going on...

However, before these people could understand what was going on, Luo Nan first glanced at Han Yu Xiaotian, and then looked at everyone...


"Well, everyone, we'll be parting here, and see you later."

"Master Hanyu Rune, and masters~

Just received the news that the governor and vice governor are in the Rune Temple, let me take you there immediately..."

It seems to have received some kind of subpoena, or it may be that Han Yu Xiaotian’s performance at this moment is somewhat...

In short, Luo Nan first greeted those who were rescued by him and the others in the Desolate Battlefield Zhang Devil Cave, and then directly led Hanyu Xiaotian and others, and left in the direction of the Rune Temple... ...


"Sanxiong, didn't you meet the centaur? Why did you come back alive?"

"Binghuo, you fell behind on the deserted battlefield, we all thought you were dead..."

"It's Lord Knife, haven't you been caught by the Centaur too? It's great that you are still alive..."

As Luo Nan pulled Han Yu Xiaotian and the others away, these warriors belonging to the third domain, after a daze, immediately turned to those who were once lost in the deserted battlefield but now follow Luo Nan and others. The returnees surrounded...
