Turn the Universe

Chapter 2514: Shock

A bit of cold and hot light, following Hanyu Xiaotian’s slender fingers, volleyed at a break in the bow-shaped magic weapon, and then began to swing~

Following Hanyu Xiaotian's fingertips, a cold and cold red line appeared in the sky, and along the direction of the finger's movement, began to draw a mysterious and endless path in the air, containing an endless mystery of heaven and earth.


As the trajectory stretches, this line containing the mystery of the same origin seems to resonate with the broken rune pattern on the **** soldier, causing the originally dim light on it to start to shine slightly.

At the same time, driven by this same source of power, even the worn and broken places between the lines with these runes began to recover.


The breaks of those runes are like a blocked river;

The runes that are worn and consumed are like soil erosion on both sides of the river.

These places where the power of the entire rune might collapse and dissipate were repaired by the mysterious trajectory drawn by Hanyu Xiaotian’s fingers, and they began to recover one by one...


It’s just a moment~

The fire is surging and the river is rushing.

With the movement of Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers, the broken and worn rune lines on the **** soldiers seemed to be penetrated again like a congested river, and a powerful force suddenly broke out!


"What! He... really succeeded in repairing!"

"This... how is this possible? He can actually draw runes in the air?"

"This.. How long is it? He repaired the third-rank magic weapon..."

Following the images in the high-precision equipment on the desk, every step Hanyu Xiaotian took was almost in the eyes of everyone who paid attention to it.


At the same time, everything Hanyu Xiaotian made shocked everyone who was waiting to see the joke.


Before their shock was over, they suddenly discovered that Hanyu Xiaotian’s fingers full of infinite mysteries did not stop...



Although the magic rune has been repaired, Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers are still swinging in the air, driving the rune track that contains the mystery of the heavens and the earth, constantly'flowing'.

And I don't know when, this mysterious trajectory has been interwoven and fused with the runes on the gods, causing the two to breathe together in resonance and resonance.


Between recruits~

Hanyu Xiaotian's fingers wandering along a fixed trajectory of heaven and earth suddenly deviated from the original channel, and slightly moved the extremely mysterious rune lines...


The river suddenly changed its course like a billowing river, and the entire rune pattern suddenly changed under Hanyu Xiaotian's stroke...


What is he doing!

Seeing this scene, the people in the Rune Temple were shocked.

Especially the major rune masters, their complexion changed, and they almost screamed.

Even the two men, Meng Qi and Bai Qifeng, who are at the top of the Rune Temple, have their eyes flashed.


Han Yu Xiaotian, this is...

Changing the original rune trajectory of the Rune God Soldier!

As major rune masters who have been immersed in the rune for decades, seeing what Han Yu Xiaotian is doing at this moment, they immediately thought of something incredible. Between unbelief and shock, everyone breathed quickly. ...
