Turn the Universe

Chapter 2524: Wicked Rune Master

"Well, I'm still far behind the rune. Teacher Mo Yan has always taught me to be a low-key person, saying that people are afraid of famous pigs and strong..."

Hearing Meng Qi's voice, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but finally stopped beating those ‘flies’. After thinking about it a little bit, he casually threw a word.


People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong...

Hearing Hanyu Xiaotian’s answer, Meng Qi couldn’t help but feel a little bit dumbfounded, but immediately he continued to ask with excitement~

"By the way, Han Yu...how long have you been learning runes?"

It was as if the jade connoisseur had seen a piece of peerless jade, Meng Qi, who had already stood up because of Han Yu Xiaotian's perfect performance, was already a little bit unable to hide his excitement.


"Hall Master Meng Qi, Xiaotian, he was still at Nicholas Star-Han University at the beginning, and he followed Ruoqi's approach to the rune pattern for about a year. Then he graduated and left..."

Hearing Meng Qi's question, Wang Ruoqi on the side could not help but replied truthfully for Han Yu Xiaotian.

However, Wang Ruoqi's answer was heard in the ears of Meng Qi and the rune masters, but it once again caused everyone to boil again at the same time that they were unbelievable...


"One...a year?..."

"Impossible...I have been in contact with runes for more than 20 years, only to master the three complete runes, and my understanding of runes is far from enough... Could it be that I live on a dog? "

"What I studied...is it a fake rune? How could this be..."

"This world... there really is such a genius... no... it's a monster..."

Hearing Wang Ruoqi’s answer, these rune masters who have been immersed in runes for countless years suddenly felt a sense of being beaten, and some even unconsciously raised the feeling that they were not a rune master... .


As for some rune masters, including Zong Yuquan, who have always regarded themselves as rune geniuses, their eyes are even more hollow~

Reaching this state in a year, this is no longer what the word ‘genius’ can describe, only the word ‘monster’ can perhaps be described...


"You have reached such a realm in one year? So... I just saw that you have almost reached the peak of your accomplishments in the Five Elements Rune Patterns of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Um... now you have a few complete runes. ?"

While shocked in his heart, Meng Qi couldn't help but asked excitedly again.

"The rune you master? Well, probably... eight or nine ways..."

This time Wang Ruoqi did not answer, but Hanyu Xiaotian said casually again.


In fact, for Han Yu Xiaotian, who now understands the new rune realm, the rank of the rune master is not so important at all, and it does not mean anything.

In today's rune pattern, the rank of the rune master is mostly judged by the master of a few runes.

If you want to master a few more heaven and earth runes, on the one hand, it depends on the rune master’s understanding and understanding of the heaven and earth runes; on the other hand, it mainly depends on whether the rune master’s mind is strong enough to carry how many heaven and earth runes. The mysterious power of tattoos.


Therefore, if a rune master wants to achieve something, it often takes a lot of time to cultivate and strengthen his mind, and then continue to comprehend the mystery of the rune of heaven and earth, and then portray it on the gods.


For Hanyu Xiaotian, these restrictive conditions for all rune masters are almost completely invalid...
