Turn the Universe

Chapter 2527: Five Star Rune Master

Because it is so~

Bai Qifeng has always been very optimistic about his personal disciple Zong Yuquan, and often said that he is a genius and wizard, but just compared with that Hanyu Xiaotian, it is simply a land of clouds and mud, a difference between heaven and earth.

If Hanyu Xiaotian is only ‘not bad’, then what exactly should his disciple count...

What a shit...


"Okay, okay, the two hall masters have some truth in their analysis. Just now, the cold feather rune.. Master, really only showed his attainments on the five-element rune. As for other aspects, I will know later. "

"But no matter what, it doesn't matter whether it's really just a year of learning or not, and I have mastered a few complete runes~

In terms of his performance just now, he is definitely a peerless arrogance on the rune, and it is the great blessing of all my third domain millions of martial arts experts. "


"With this person coming, the human power of the third domain of Vast Sky City is enough to increase by more than 10%!

Hmm...Hall Master Meng Qi, the rune masters of the Rune Temple are divided into five stars according to rank and rune attainments, right? Han Yu Xiaotian, he will be the highest five-star rune master from now on..."

The governor of the third domain, Dongfang Stigmata, said with a strange light.


"What? Five-star rune master... But Master Governor, this son has just entered the barren battlefield. Although the rune has extraordinary attainments, is it appropriate to do so? Can it convince everyone..."

Hearing what Dongfang Stigma said, before Meng Qi could speak, Bai Qifeng couldn't help being surprised and asked.


In the Rune Hall of Vast Sky City, thousands of rune masters are divided into five stars according to their rune skills and rank, with one star being the lowest and five being the highest.

Excluding the two main hall masters, the entire rune temple has existed for hundreds of years, and the five-star rune masters that have appeared can be said to be rare, and they can be counted by ten fingers.

As for the current Rune Temple, there is not even one!


Bai Qifeng's personal disciple Zong Yuquan is only three-star, and the five-star rune master is almost no longer under the two deputy hall masters.

According to the tradition of the Rune Temple, a five-star rune master not only can get rewards far surpassing ordinary rune masters when repairing runes, but also has absolute freedom~


The rune sanctuary cannot interfere with its daily behavior, let alone forcibly arrange how many rune-patterned soldiers must be completed a day, or the task of portraying new runes.

Even for some important decisions in the Rune Temple, the two hall masters have to discuss with the five-star rune master...

I was thinking about what means I could use to treat Hanyu Xiaotian’s Bai Qifeng in the future, but when I heard that the Eastern Stigma wanted to promote this child directly to a five-star rune master, how could he not immediately get confused...


"The deputy hall master's words are wrong, but I think the Eastern Governor's decision is just right and wise. In the rune master world, there is no age qualification, only the rune realm and talent."

"Master Mo Yan's disciples are exceptionally talented, and their rune attainment and realm are almost beyond me. To become a five-star rune master is to make the best use of it.

As for whether Han Yu Xiaotian, who is worried by the deputy hall master, can convince the crowd..."

Hearing Bai Qifeng's obvious objection, Meng Qi couldn't help but smile faintly, and then looked at other places in the entire rune hall...
