Turn the Universe

Chapter 2546: Tega Monitor

"Well, I'll take someone over to have a look, and you can continue. Hey, it's Tega Supervisor, are you here too? It's been almost half a month..."

While nodding slightly at the crowd, Meng Qi glanced at him, frowning and looking at a slightly fat figure among the people coming.


"Hall Master, why are you free to come. Is it if the rune master wants to come? Um... how does this look so face-to-face..."

The visitor looks about forty years old, is slightly fatter, looks ugly, but looks a bit arrogant. At the same time, at the cuffs of his rune master's robe, there are five silver wavy lines gently swinging.


"He is the fifth-level rune master Teja, the supervisor of the rune temple, and his status is only under the two hall masters and deputy hall masters. At the same time, he is also the nephew of Abdiga Abyss King, one of the five chiefs of Vast Sky City. ..."

A faint voice came in, and Wang Ruoqi was using voice transmission to enter the secret to tell Han Yu who Xiaotian came.

As early as Nicholas Singham University, Wang Ruoqi was a top-ranked master in the school. Although he was incomparable to the powerhouses of the profound and earthly ranks, there was no problem in using the method of sound transmission to enter the secret.


Nephew of King Abdiga, one of the five chiefs of Vast Sky City~

Is that... through the back door...

It's no wonder that as a fifth-level rune master, you can become the monitor of this rune temple... much higher than that of Bai Qifeng's disciple Zong Yuquan...

Hearing Wang Ruoqi's voice, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but muttered in his heart.


"Haha, Supervisor Tega, this is Hanyu Xiaotian Rune Master, who has just come from the outside world. I and Ruoqi Rune Master and I will accompany him to see the Rune Sacred Valley..."

Seeing Tejia and several rune masters behind him appeared, Meng Qi just said with a faint smile.

Hanyu Xiaotian and they have only been in the Rune Sanctuary for three days, and this rune sacred valley is sealed, so the people in it don’t know what happened that day or who Hanyu Xiaotian is. .


"I just came from outside? And he doesn't have any Rune Master logo yet? Is he a rune student? Then how can he be qualified to come to Rune Sacred Valley?"

Hearing Meng Qi's words, Tejia didn't seem to care about the identity of Palace Master Meng Qi, frowned directly at Han Yu Xiaotian, and then questioned.


"Well, Master Hanyu Rune is a disciple of Master Mo Yan, on the rune..."

Seeing that Tegashha had the right to supervise, Meng Qi seemed to be accustomed to it, but explained calmly.

However, before he could finish the explanation, Tega interrupted him directly~


"Master Mo Yan's disciple? Also from Nicholas Singham University? That is also... Ruoqi's student of Rune Master? Haha, why didn't you say earlier, since it's Ruoqi's student of Rune Master, then of course there is no problem... "

Hearing that Meng Qi was Han Yu Xiaotian was the disciple of Master Mo Yan, Tejia's eyes couldn't help but shine, even if he looked at Wang Ruoqi, he showed an expression that he could solve as long as it was Wang Ruoqi's affairs.



Is it another fly?

Seeing Tejia looking at Wang Ruoqi's eyes, the possessiveness that had almost appeared on the surface, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

At the same time, Wang Ruoqi frowned slightly, but said nothing...
