Turn the Universe

Chapter 2549: Traces of Heaven and Earth (2)

Sacred Valley of Runes.

A three or four-meter-high stone wall, simple and vicissitudes, seems to have existed for eternity, quietly standing in a corner of the east in the valley.


This stone wall is gray-black, the whole is like a knife and axe, magnificent and tall, but the surface is flat and smooth, showing the magic and incredible of the creation of heaven and earth.

On the stone body, several looming traces are appearing on it, adding a little mysterious and ancient artistic conception to this seemingly ordinary stone wall.


"If it's, look, it's here. I've already known this stone wall with Vice-Hall Master Bai Qifeng, and the traces of patterns on its body and stone body have turned out to be this deserted battlefield since ancient times!

It has existed for more than hundreds of millions of years, and may not be a trace rune of our world at all. It's no wonder that you and I cannot be comprehended with your and me supernatural talents..."

When he just arrived here, Tejia couldn't help but become slightly excited, ‘modestly’ pointing at the tall stone wall in front of him, and talking to Wang Ruoqi...


"It seems to be here. I accidentally discovered this stone wall when I was comprehending the runes. At that time, I thought the traces on the stone wall had never been seen before. It was very weird, so I realized it out of curiosity.

As a result, for several days, even though it felt extremely mysterious inside, in the end there was nothing, and there was no clue as to what kind of heaven and earth avenue it contained. "

When he saw this familiar stone wall again, Wang Ruoqi also remembered it instantly.


There are dozens of traces from the ancient world on this stone wall, each of which is unpredictable and strange.

Although Wang Ruoqi used to be a teacher of the Rune Department of Nicholas Xinghan University, she has seen hundreds of rune fragments, but she has never seen anything like this on a rock wall.

When she first enlightened, in fact, it was only one of dozens of traces on the stone wall.

However, it was this weird trace of runes that made her feel the more profound the profoundness contained within...


"It turned out to be this stone wall. I have the impression that it is one of the oldest stone walls in this valley. It is also the traces of the ancient world that we human rune masters discovered as soon as they entered this barren battlefield."

"But for three hundred years, the senior rune masters of our human race, and all kinds of heavenly arrogance, have never been able to penetrate the scars of the world on this stone wall..."

When Meng Qi, the lord of the rune temple, saw this stone wall, he nodded and said.


"Well, this stone wall has some meaning... these rune marks are so weird..."

When Han Yu Xiaotian followed Wang Ruoqi's fingers and looked at the traces on the stone wall, he was quickly attracted to it~


An ordinary circular point appeared in the middle of the stone wall, as if it was born on the stone wall, or it belongs to the stone wall itself.

This dot is very regular, natural, and simple, just like the most common point, even with the most sophisticated instruments of today's human beings, it is impossible to find any flaws.

And around the dots, there are traces of various weird lines that are indeterminate and unconnected like water ripples...
