Turn the Universe

Chapter 2558: Cracking the stone wall pattern (3)

One finger divides yin and yang, the Qian hexagram turns the sky, the earth hexagram has endless thick soil, wind, thunder, mountains, water and fire, Taoist mantra, Buddhist mudra...

At the beginning of yin and yang, Vientiane began to return.

When Hanyu Xiaotian's fingertips finally stopped moving, he had once again returned to the center of the world.

And beyond this origin, in the heavens and the earth, there are countless lines and patterns full of mystery, running and flashing along inexplicable trajectories, the mystery is endless, the depth is endless...


"What are these...? Are they heaven and earth runes..."

"Such depth and vastness... hard to imagine..."

"This is the true universal truth, how can human beings understand and master..."

Seeing this infinite mystery of heaven, earth and universe appeared before my eyes, all those who witnessed it in the rune sacred valley were all indulged in shock, unable to extricate themselves, unimaginable, and even gradually, even thinking... ..


The mystery and power contained in the traces of the Dao rune that Han Yu Xiaotian portrayed at this time has far exceeded the limit that ordinary people can'see'.

Their minds and bodies simply cannot carry these heaven and earth tracks.

Even these rune masters who have studied heaven and earth runes for decades and hundreds of years, their spiritual power has far surpassed ordinary people, and it is no exception.


Fortunately, although these people are rune masters, the gap between their perceptions and Han Yu Xiaotian is too great.

Therefore, these Tai Chi, Eight Diagrams, Tian Yuan, etc. that Han Yu Xiaotian had portrayed contained patterns of endless universe mystery, and they couldn't understand anything at all.

However, even so, these rune masters in the Sacred Rune Valley, who are much stronger than ordinary people, still feel that they are about to be unable to bear it...


Looking at the slowly rotating Tai Chi gossip and the five elements of Yin and Yang, everyone almost felt that their bodies and minds would collapse at any time.

And just as everyone was caught in the contradiction of deep infatuation and collapse among the mysterious lines, patterns, and graphics, a soft whisper suddenly spread to everyone's eardrums...


"One life two, two life three, three life all things. Starting from the origin, transforming yin and yang and Tai Chi, and then to the law of heaven and earth, and finally..."

With this inexplicable whisper, inadvertently, Hanyu Xiaotian's finger originating that constitutes everything suddenly trembled...




A sound like the explosion of the heavens and the earth resounded throughout the space, awakening everyone's mind.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, this piece of heaven, earth and universe, following the trembling origin, unexpectedly changed again....


The Taiji diagram is decomposed and turned into two black and white yin and yang fish.

The congenital gossip spread out and turned into sixty-four Canggu strokes.

The five elements are divided, focusing on gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Tianyuan disappeared and turned into a sky full of trees...

All the patterns containing the avenue of heaven and earth, under the vibration of the origin, all decomposed, turned into the simplest rune lines, or traces of heaven and earth, with the meaning of the formation of all things and all things. Toward this space, spread away...
