Turn the Universe

Chapter 2592: Rune Enlightenment

Wang Ruoqi had no idea that the mystery of the traces of heaven and earth on that ancient stone wall would be like this. It's no wonder that when Hanyu Xiaotian comprehends its patterns, there will be such a big movement.

The universe...

It would be so!


"Then, the origin on your finger... is that universe? Rune reorganization... reborn... It's amazing, is there such a way of rune..."

Wang Ruoqi was also Bingxue and smart, and just by making an association, he understood what Han Yu Xiaotian did before. And because of this, Wang Ruoqi couldn't calm down at this moment...


I have been in contact with the way of runes for so many years, but I never knew that there is such a mystery in the runes of heaven and earth.

Could it be that the runes and methods of use discovered by mankind over the past millennia are just the tip of the iceberg in this avenue of runes of heaven and earth?

And what Han Yu Xiaotian discovered and accomplished before is a higher level display of the world of runes...


"Well, I just realized that the way of runes is so magical... I have not yet discovered the mystery hidden in it. I feel... this stone wall pattern has brought me just a starting point..."

Han Yu Xiaotian sighed softly.


This time, the deserted battlefield really didn’t come in vain. It was just a few days before Hanyu Xiaotian learned something about the runes, and even opened the framework of the original runes and discovered a new world of runes. And rules.

It's just that, after he has realized the mystery of the'origin', he feels that he has just stepped into the hall of the real rune world, and the mystery of the real rune world has just been revealed before his own eyes... ....


"Start. Point...I just saw you repairing the three soldiers of Cang Lei. I have already doubted whether I had understood whether it was a rune. You actually said that what you have understood is only one. Start. Point..."

Wang Ruoqi asked with eyes wide open.


"Well... I do have this feeling. If the rune pattern I understood before is just the basic way of the rune pattern, then now I have the feeling of really entering the rune hall. That is... A totally different world..."

Han Yu Xiaotian said affirmatively.


In Hanyu Xiaotian’s feelings, if his previous understanding of runes was at the level of elementary school students, he just understood the basic runes~

So now, he should have begun to enter a higher school, and he has been exposed to the complex combinations and inner mysteries of the rune at a higher level...


"Right... Speaking of runes, have you ever seen a creature in another world..."

Han Yu laughed and turned around, and suddenly asked Wang Ruoqi.

"Another world creature? Well, I've seen it several times when I came to Vast Sky City, but I haven't seen a higher intelligent creature.

Later in Vast Sky City, all I saw were fur, armor, and corpses brought back from the deserted battlefield by strong humans, or for us humans to do research, or to trade with each other...what happened? "

Hearing Hanyu Xiaotian's sudden mention of creatures in another world, Wang Ruoqi couldn't help but ask.
