Turn the Universe

Chapter 2680: Retreat

Rune Sacred Valley, Xingluo Temple of Rune Temple, Lingxin Pavilion.

During this period of time, Hanyu Xiaotian has been between these three dots and one line, rushing back and forth in a mysterious manner...

If you want to crack an alien rune, the first thing you need to do is to improve your rune state.

The Rune Sacred Valley is undoubtedly Han Yu Xiaotian's first choice.

In the rune sacred valley, on the stone walls and pillars erected by the heavens and the earth, there are traces of the natural world, and the runes portrayed by the great rune masters' understanding of the runes of the heavens and the earth for hundreds of years, just like the most direct of the heaven and earth Show, presented in front of Hanyu Xiaotian.

Hanyu Xiaotian is like a sponge, constantly absorbing these nutrients, immersed in the endless mystery of the world of runes...


"Hey, how come this rune pattern on the stone wall seems to have moved by itself..."

A rune master who had been sitting cross-legged in front of a three-meter-high stone wall for a month was caught in the enlightenment of this **** Otto pattern, but suddenly discovered that the rune pattern on the stone wall seemed to flicker inexplicably .

"Um... I have finished my comprehension, don't bother you, you continue..."

Behind this person, a slender figure wearing a rankless rune-patterned master robe, with a slight movement under his feet, had already flashed away.

"What? Who is this person... When did he come behind me? Did he just understand the mystery of this rune? How could this be... Oh my god, could that figure be... Han? Master Feather Rune..."

With a look of horror, this person looked at the floating figure, speechless for a long time...


Around a huge stone pillar, several rune masters are devoting themselves to the messy traces carved on it.

"These traces are really weird, are they completely irregular..."

"This part of the lines seems to be engraved with the mystery of the wind, but I have been studying wind runes for decades, but I can't understand why..."

"The traces on this stone pillar are already the third rune I have studied. I failed the first two times. Wouldn’t it be possible to fail this time? I’m really unwilling. Why it feels so simple, but it’s impossible. Enlightenment..."

These figures surrounding this huge stone pillar existed both young and old, but their expressions at this moment were frustrated and unwilling.

But at this moment, behind them, a mumbling voice suddenly came out~

"This trace seems to be some kind of cold wind, which has been scraped and cracked over countless years...well, it doesn't seem to be exactly.. No! This is not the force of wind, but directly penetrated... .This is...the power of heaven and earth to shape the wind..."

Looking at the inexplicable traces on the stone pillar, Hanyu smiled to the sky for about ten minutes when he came here, unconsciously stretched out his palm, and then a pattern of hexagrams suddenly appeared~

The Sunda of Gossip!

The first line in the main hexagram is the yin line, the second line is the yang line, and the third line is the upper line in the main hexagram.

Sunda is the wind, it means that one yin line obeys two yang lines, and yin obeys yang, expounding the supreme truth of nature.

It is a Yin Gua, with one Yin line as the main line, so it is feminine.

At this time, the hexagram of the Xun hexagram suddenly began to undergo incredible changes in Hanyu Xiaotian's palm...