Turn the Universe

Chapter 2737: Enter the restricted zone of time and sp

It is impossible not to enter the restricted zone of time and space.

No one can see anything from the outside.

Only by truly stepping into the time and space forbidden zone can you understand the mystery.

However, just as Cang Lei said, the time-space restricted area is full of endless variables and dangers. Before entering, one would never know what he would encounter or how dangerous it would be.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

So Cang Lei was very hesitant, whether to bring Hanyu Xiaotian in.

After all, if Hanyu Xiaotian had something to lose, he would not be able to explain to the Eastern Stigma, the Eastern Rising Sun, or even the millions of ancient warriors...


"Unpredictable danger... well, it doesn't matter, I will protect you. Let's go..."

Before Cang Lei finished speaking, Han Yu Xiaotian waved his hand to interrupt.

For the time and space forbidden zone, Hanyu Xiaotian and Wang Ruoqi didn’t even take care of the “business”. Now it is impossible to go back around outside because of danger. That would be too sorry for myself... .

"Um... Since Master Han Yu has decided, okay..."

Cang Lei was not unhappy when he was interrupted by Han Yu Xiaotian, but when he heard Han Yu Xiaotian say to protect them, Cang Lei was taken aback again, and nodded with a wry smile.

Obviously, he took Hanyu Xiaotian's words as a joke again...


"In that case, Shuiyin, exterminate demons, we start..."

Glancing at the emptiness again, Cang Lei had one more thing in his hand.

This thing is in the shape of an ancient hourglass, filled with silver sand, delicate and delicate.

At the same time, there is a very mysterious aura on it, which seems to be true and illusory, which is quite similar to the aura of the empty restricted area at that time.

Time and space hourglass!

This is made by mankind from a unique material in the time and space forbidden zone, and it is also the highest technology about time and space that mankind has mastered in the deserted battlefield.

When the power of the law is urged, the silver sand it drops will record the breath of this time and space. No matter how many different time and space people fall into the turbulence, as long as the silver sand is still there, people can rely on the time and space recorded by the silver sand. Breath, find that time and space again...


As a silver sand dripped in the hourglass of time and space, a humming sound suddenly formed a silver field, covering Hanyu Xiaotian and the others.

After that, everyone suddenly disappeared in place, following the silver realm, into the void...


The gloomy sky, the dark red earth.

Between the sky and the earth, there is an endless thick mist with **** smell everywhere, covering the whole world, as if covering up a certain truth.

Occasionally a few gusts of strong wind blows, causing the fog to roll, and at the same time it is mixed with inexplicable howlings, and the sound of prey biting creatures, making people creepy...

"where is this place?"

"The **** and gloomy aura is even worse than the barren battlefield!"

"Is this another time and space? The fog is so big that it has the effect of confusing the perception of the divine sense..."

When everyone was in a trance and set foot on this inexplicable world, they saw a scene presented in this different time and space...