Turn the Universe

Chapter 2789: Space crack

"Space crack! It's... the breath of the outer space... I feel it!"

With the sudden dramatic changes in this blood refining space, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes suddenly brightened.

But at the same time, in this blood sea space, four extremely violent roars, accompanied by endless coercion, also rose to the sky~


The four blood-red figures that caused countless creatures in the blood refining space to tremble, at this moment of space change, set off an endless wave of blood, spreading to the surroundings, making the whole world tremble.

The four terrifying figures in the blood refining space obviously also felt the changes in this space. Not only did they let out a sky-shaking roar, they also stepped out of the sea of ​​blood at the same time...



Countless miserable howls sounded.

With the appearance of these horrible figures, countless creatures from all walks of life in their vicinity directly howled into a pool of pus and blood, and even the bone scum disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, these figures opened four blood-red and hideous eyes, and looked towards the blood-colored altar in the center of this blood-refining space~


In the endless blood turmoil, the invisible pressure was overwhelming, and the figure of Hanyu Xiaotian beside the blood-colored altar was also reflected in the eyes of the four blood refining giants...


"No, the wind is screaming..."

The pressure full of endless violence and blood almost suffocated Han Yu Xiaotian.

At the same time, there was an indescribable mental pressure that violently impacted Hanyu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness.

Feeling the terrible pressure that came suddenly, Han Yu Xiaotian was also taken aback.

After that, he didn't hesitate to change his body, he immediately rose up, and the space mystery was launched again just a short distance away, and he hurried away toward the nearest space crack where he felt the outside atmosphere...


The blood refining giant spirits in these blood refining spaces are obviously different from the other giant spirit family so intelligent, silent, and aloof, but as if there are only endless violence, as if born only for killing and destruction.

Moreover, their strength is absolutely terrifying. Just aura can destroy powerful creatures from all walks of life. The horror of their eyes makes Hanyu Xiaotian feel tremendous pressure.

That kind of mental shock is like a sea of ​​tons of blood, devouring all living beings.

If it weren’t for Hanyu Xiaotian’s enchanting evildoer, if he were a general powerhouse, even a super powerhouse of the human level, he might fall into madness and chaos in such a terrifying mental shock, or even be dispelled directly... ...



A sharp long howl came from the mouth of a blood-refining giant.

Seeing Hanyu Xiaotian's figure disappearing into the air from the altar, he suddenly lifted a giant claw covering the sky and turned into countless scary ribbons like snakes, straddling the space and fleeing towards Hanyu Xiaotian. 'S figure, quickly grabbed...

A wave of nothingness, penetrating the space, unexpectedly started a loud rumbling noise!

Where the ripples passed, the space shook countless huge ripples, and a destructive force soared, and it did not know how many powerful creatures from all walks of life that had not yet reacted were killed.

At the same time, countless more space cracks are formed, but these terrifying space cracks will be annihilated immediately when they encounter these scary blood red ribbons, and there is no way at all...