Turn the Universe

Chapter 2818: Super genetic warrior and demons

"Grandma's, dozens of super powers... It seems impossible to catch them all in one go... No matter what! You can eat one and count one!"

After a quick turn in his mind, Han Yu Xiaotian suddenly discovered that it would be difficult for him to keep all these superpowers of the alien race anyway.

Even if he lays down a great formation of heaven and earth, or a great formation of four elephants, it is not enough to trap dozens of super alien powerhouses.


You must know that Hanyu Xiaotian's various supernatural powers, as well as the extremely powerful stars and supernatural powers, are all based on the universe and stars in his mind.

And even Hanyu Xiaotian's almost endless star power can't support the combination of dozens of super powers at all.

That kind of terrifying power is probably enough to tear and shatter anything.

Therefore, at this moment, it is as Hanyu Xiaotian determined that the most suitable thing now is to break one by one, and eat one by one...


Just after Hanyu Xiaotian decided what to do, he immediately didn't hesitate anymore, his figure flashed directly, and he flew towards the place where the super strong was fighting...


Two super-powerful ghosts of the demons with a height of more than three meters, purple-red eyes, and wings on their backs are now besieging a super genetic warrior on the human side.

The super gene warrior can be described as a symbol of the peak of human biotechnology.

The super genetic warriors over 50 have completely unraveled the human genetic chain and mental power to repair the fighting energy, change the internal genetic form of the human body, and thus stimulate extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

This is a super human who has cracked the human genetic code and can release the terrifying power of its own human genetic chain.

At the same time, it is also one of the favorite ‘food’ of foreign races...


"Jie Jie~, human genes can actually evolve to this degree. This is already close to higher organisms..."

"But this kind of gene energy is my favorite..."

The super powers of the two ghosts and demons are using the tyrannical body and terrible speed of the demons to continuously besie this human super power, while also making strange laughter.



Facing the teamwork of two super strong opponents, although this celebrity super genetic warrior faintly fell into a disadvantage, his fighting style is extremely tough. There is almost no dodge and retreat. Resist.

In the face of the existence of alien ghosts, if it is a human ancient warrior, it may also consider martial arts, skills, rules, tactics, etc.

Human genetic warriors originally existed as individuals with strong comprehensive strength such as strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Their strength was amazing. They would not consider any other factors at all, and were directly fighting the opponent.


At the same time, the ghosts and demons are the most numerous and one of the strongest races, and they are also powerful and bloodthirsty. They are equivalent to genetic warriors in another world.

At this time, the super "warriors" of these two worlds are confident enough in their body strength, and they all want to blow the other side apart~

Layers of black scales flashing with metallic luster, and the powerful body of the human gene warrior, are constantly colliding with each other in the field...