Turn the Universe

Chapter 2824: Death Desert to Earth and Sky Aquarius

As early as in the mountains and seas, Hanyu Xiaotian fought the ancient witch **** candle dragon, and used this supreme Buddhist handprint for the first time-the earth and sky treasure bottle seal, and absorbed the sky and sky laws to save countless humans and monsters. A family.

And at this time, in this barren battlefield, facing the boundless floating desert transformed by the alien Sharong tribe, this supreme supernatural power belonging to the ancient Chinese Buddhism emerged again...

A giant treasure bottle, ancient jade glass, reveals endless light. Through the magnificent figure of the Buddha Buddha, it floats above its head and sinks between the world and the mystery is unlimited.

At the same time, strands of pure Buddha power flowed out of the lotus platform under the body of the Buddha, poured into the aquarium, and the runes on it flowed.

The golden light continuously escaped, filled with the spirit of holy Buddha!

In the endless Brahma singing, the heaven and the earth are bright, and everything in the world worships...


"This... what is this?"

In the heavens and the earth, when the magnificent figure of Zunsheng Buddha mother and the buddha bottle full of endless mystery in her hand appear, whether it is a human or a foreign creature~

His eyes were inexplicably attracted by that which seemed to be the only aquarium in the world, and there was a feeling of spiritual will falling into the aquarium.

At this moment, they felt that the only thing they could see was a huge heaven and earth aquarium, which seemed to be infinite even though it was close in front of them.

It was even bigger and boundless than the vast black floating desert in the sky.

Standing before the treasure bottle, everyone feels that they are so small. The treasure bottle in front of them seems to completely contain the world and attract all things...


"Om, Pu, Long Suo, Ha Om, Amidah, Ayuda, Di, Suo, Ha..."

The mysterious Buddhist mantra fluctuates continuously, resounding through Death Canyon.

Under the curse of the Buddha's Supreme Victory Dharani, the black aura in the black desert seemed to have encountered some kind of nemesis, and it began to fade away quickly!

And the terrible voice that wanted to devour the soul of the Buddha also disappeared under the drowning of the Buddha's Dharma Mantra.

At the same time, the thousands of horrible tornado sand pillars winding down, as if bound by some irresistible force, began to suddenly change direction, rolling towards the dark and endless mouth of the earth and sky treasure bottle. .

Thousands of huge rotating sand pillars poured directly down from the sky and desert, and then were sucked into the mouth of the incomparably mysterious aquarium. This vast and amazing scene shocked countless humans and foreign races.. ....



The huge vibration shook the sky and the earth.

On the top of Han Yu Xiaotian's head, the giant aquarium held in the hands of Zunsheng Buddha's mother is just like the substance, the swastika-shaped imprint blooms in full bloom, shining with incomparably bright and mysterious light.

In the endless flashing of the runes, hundreds of millions of tons of sand pillars, just sucked into the mouth of the bottle, were swallowed by the treasure bottle like a bottomless pit, and disappeared~


The endless yellow sand is constantly being engulfed in the mouth of the bottle...

One can submerge the continental ocean~

One can hold the endless world~

This seems to be a contest between the terrifying Sharong tribe in a different world and the ancient Chinese Buddhist supernatural powers of mankind; it is a contest between the vast sea of ​​hundreds of millions of tons of desert and the seal of the Supreme Buddha...