Turn the Universe

Chapter 2855: Han Yu Xiaotian vs. Abyss King

At this moment, according to Han Yu Xiaotian's own assessment, his strength has absolutely surpassed the ancient martial artist's extreme realm.

But whether he can compete with the pinnacle of the four tiers-the strongest of the earth lands, Han Yu Xiaotian has no idea.

However, at this time, with one of the five chiefs, Abdiga Abyss King, the time to test the bottom line of Hanyu Xiaotian's strength has finally arrived...


So far away?


Time restricted zone?

Five Elements Gossip?

Boundless power?

In the face of this endless dark bottomless abyss, all space, time, and magical powers seem to have lost their use...

Under the endless abyss that is bound to swallow the world, all existence is completely meaningless, and even the light cannot escape, and can only be swallowed, falling into desperate silence.

This is one of the five chiefs of the Haotian City, the perfect master of the earth, and the masterful martial art of the Abyss King, the first king of Abdiga!


Facing one of these five chiefs, the fundamental martial arts of the first king of Abdiga, the king of the abyss, all forms of power have no effect.

To contend with this terrifying abyssal world, you can only use the peerless power of the same level~

And Hanyu Xiaotian’s fundamental power, or the power of the same level that can contend with this bottomless abyss, is only in his mind~

Universe galaxy...


The first place on the rune temple.

"Endless Abyss...huh..."

Seeing Hanyu Xiaotian's figure, about to be swallowed by that dark abyss, Dongfang Rising Sun had already gathered its supreme strength and was ready to rescue him at any time.

Although Abdiga’s Abyss King is a world-class giant, his martial arts are invincible.

But Dongfang Rising Sun is also the patriarch of China's first family, and is one of the five chiefs together with the Abyss King. The martial arts are unfathomable and overwhelm the world.


If it weren't for the bottom line of Hanyu Xiaotian, the enchanting great supernatural power, Dongfang Rising Sun would have already taken action to stop the abyss king's bottomless abyss.

At the same time, Dongfang Stigma, Meng Qi, and the other five chiefs also stared at the middle of the hall and held their breath.

And when all eyes were attracted by the endless icy abyss in the field and the slender figure on its edge, the next second, Hanyu Xiaotian was in front of them and disappeared inexplicably... ...



Han Yu Xiaotian... how did it disappear...

Could it be... it couldn't escape after all and was swallowed by the endless abyss...

Seeing Hanyu Xiaotian who disappeared inexplicably on the edge of the abyss, everyone in the hall was shocked, but immediately, everyone's eyes suddenly widened~


The endless dark abyss continues to spread in the rune temple, silent and silent, as if the deepest cold darkness between the world and the earth, without beginning and end.

At this time, an insignificant white spot of light shone abruptly in the abyss of dead silence, lighting up a ray of discordance and harmony in the darkness and coldness.

Then, just in a moment, the light of this light spot began to shine more and more, and the light became stronger and stronger.

After a while, the originally insignificant white light spot has already burst into endless light and heat like a big day.

This is still a light spot, this is simply... the stars!

Sun star!

The sun star is the central planet, the essence of the sun in the sky, turning gas into light, controlling the light...


And as the sun star radiating endless light and heat emerged, a touch of feminine light that was as soft as water, but containing endless mystery, also quietly formed beside the sun star.

Although this kind of light is feminine to soft, the power it contains is not at all under the sun star next to it, exuding endless feminine power in the cold abyss.

Lunar Star!

The lunar yin is water, and it is the essence of the moon in the sky.


Lunar sun~

When these two stars suddenly appeared, a breath of mutual transformation, yin and yang boundless, suddenly spread out in this abyss~

At the same time, countless light spots began to appear one by one around them, flashing a variety of different mysterious auras~

Tianyi, Taiyi, Ziwei, Gouchen, Liujia, Emperor Zuo, Lie Si, Bagu, Shaowei, Xuan Ge, Taizun, Tianlao...

Seven stars of the Big Dipper, six stars of the South Dipper, seven places in the east, twenty-eight stars, one hundred and eight yuan chen...

Hydra Constellation, Shepherd Constellation, Libra Constellation, Scorpio Constellation, Double Horn Constellation, Giant Whale Constellation, Taurus Constellation...


More and more spots of light emerged, according to the ancient and mysterious directions, they turned into stars, constellations, constellations, star maps, star arrays~

Millions and tens of thousands of stars seem to come from ancient times, lit up one by one, and along with them, stars, planets, moons, dwarfs, comets, etc., began to appear one after another, shining extremely brightly. Light.

These endless stars revolve according to the unchanging mystery trajectory, shining, forming infinite star power that resembles a tide, and rippling endless ripples between rolling.

Finally, when these light spots no longer appeared, a total of 3,333,333,33 stars, transformed into an endless universe of stars, appeared in the entire Rune Hall. .....


what is this...

An endless universe...

What's going on, isn't this a deserted battlefield? Why is there a cosmic sky...

When everyone in the Rune Temple saw everything in front of them, they were already dumbfounded, their hearts trembling...


All of these people here have been on the battlefield of extinction for many years, and where they are visible, they are all desolate and extinct. They have not seen the stars of the universe for many years.

But today, what makes them unbelievable is that they are in this rune temple, in the dark abyss of the abyss king, once again saw the universe starry sky, endless stars...

What made everyone including the five chief executives even more shocked and unbelievable was that the mysterious movement of these cosmic stars actually seemed to be manipulated by people.

And the Hanyu Xiaotian who had just disappeared, is actually right in the middle of the sky full of stars, with black hair dancing wildly, and his robe rattling, like a divine residence...



In the endless shaking, an indescribable vast and mysterious stalwart power, accompanied by endless stars, shines forever~

There are thousands of stars in the sky, filled with stars.

Countless bright star power, set off endless ripples~

At the same time, an indescribable stalwart force instantly flooded the world.

And under the starry sky of the boundless universe, the entire bottomless abyss, which has always been dark and silent, also began to shake like never before...


On one side is a bottomless abyss, cold and dark, swallowing everything.

On one side is the starry sky of the universe, vast and endless, inclusive of all things.

Both represent the most fundamental way of each person, and represent a certain limit road in the world.


The abyss, although it can swallow everything, but in the face of the vast and endless universe and the starry sky and the endless stalwart power, it will eventually be unable to advance and spread.

The loud noise of ‘Rumbling’ kept shaking, and the endless cold and dark abyss finally came to a halt before the endless star power of the universe stared...



"The universe and starry sky... This is the small world where you practice? No, you are a supernatural power person, and you should cultivate the power of the original spirit... Then this is... the sea of ​​your spiritual consciousness? The realm of the original spirit? How is this? may..."

Seeing the vast and boundless starry sky in front of him, the Abyss King was truly a huge shock at this moment, and he stood up directly from the top of the Rune Temple.

As everyone knows, people who practice ancient martial arts, reach the realm of the earth, will comprehend the mystery of the universe, infinitely smelt themselves, thus unrestrictedly develop their own body, condense the acupuncture points around the body, open the secrets of the human body, and imprint the laws of heaven and earth. The body has formed its own small world, small universe, and burst out endless mysterious power.

I am heaven and earth, heaven and earth for me~

It relies on the power of the physical body, resonates with the laws of heaven and earth, exercises the power of heaven and earth, has infinite power, and is a martial sage.

And those who cultivate supernatural powers are cultivating the soul, so real and quiet. The supreme primordial spirit has the power of the mysterious cave, swallows the mystery of the universe, and develops the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness infinitely. At the end, it forms a realm of primordial spirit similar to the small world of warriors.

Endless magical powers!

Through the sky.


However, compared to ancient warriors, supernatural powers are extremely rare.

And those with supernatural powers who can cultivate to the last step of the soul is even rarer.

Therefore, most people have never seen what it is like for a supernatural power to reach the realm of the original spirit equivalent to the earth realm.

However, as the first king of Abdiga, the Abyss King still knows a lot about supernatural powers, and even more knows the existence of the realm of the soul.

However, it has never been heard that the realm of human souls, or the small world of ancient warriors, is the starry sky of the universe.

In his cognition, this is simply impossible.

What the King of Abyss didn't know was that this cosmic starry sky was in Hanyu Xiaotian's mind when he was born. It is not as simple as the realm of the soul, and it is far from complete...


"Huh~ Great Supernatural Power... I want to see, where is your bottom line of strength, and whether your universe starry sky can stop me from being swallowed by the endless abyss!"

In the huge earthquake of the mind, the Abyss King saw the universe starry sky that was inseparable from his own abyss, and snorted again. At the same time, a terrifying thought suddenly rose, and in an instant it fell within the endless abyss~


The supreme intent of a perfect and powerful person in the terrestrial realm!
