Turn the Universe

Chapter 2904: Forbidden Beasts Arrival

And not only that, just when they were worried about Hanyu Xiaotian, a shock that made the entire ground tremble suddenly appeared in the endless black tide of alien races in the distance.

Immediately, in the horrified gazes of them and the countless human races afterwards, a terrifying figure that was more than tens of kilometers long, with monstrous aura fluctuations, suddenly emerged from the earth...

Alien terrifying super forbidden beast!


This forbidden beast, like the Zhang Demon King Han Yu Xiaotian once encountered in Zhang Demon Cave, is an extremely terrifying and powerful alien existence.

It’s just that the forbidden beast that suddenly appeared here is not Zhang Devil, but a huge beast that looks like an ancient giant lizard in the human world~


A monstrous roar spread across thousands of miles. Then, this hideous and huge alien forbidden beast suddenly blinked its **** eyes full of endless killing and fierceness, and moved in the direction where Hanyu Xiaotian was. Come......


"It's a foreign race... Terror Forbidden Beast!"

"No, it's rushing here! A fierce beast of this level, once it rushes into my human camp, it will cause a terrifying kill."

"This kind of forbidden beast, we probably can't stop it, only the super strong of our human race can contend..."


Seeing the hideous figure of that terrifying huge beast, the human experts all trembled suddenly, shocked.


Just like Hanyu Xiaotian killing ordinary powerful aliens, the terrifying alien forbidden beasts that appeared in the field were equally super terrifying to the human side.

The level of this forbidden beast far surpasses those hundreds of meters of rhinoceros monsters before.

Once such a huge terrifying forbidden beast, which is tens of kilometers long, rushes into the human front, the lethality it causes can only be described as terror.


It may take tens of thousands of human powers to stop them.

To prevent the existence of this terror, only human superpowers can do it.

But now, Han Yu Xiaotian, the only super strong human being closest to this place, is facing the siege of the four super strong aliens who are coming. If he faces the super forbidden beast again, he will probably die directly. ...

However, just when these human powers are all shocked and do not know what to do, the next second, the scene that takes place in the Hanyu smile where the whole audience is watching, is to make all humans and even all the surrounding aliens Shocked...


"Well... after waiting for a long time, you are finally here. It's still a good spirit crystal... delicious..."

Witnessing the terrifying figures coming from the four realms, Hanyu Xiaotian was not as nervous as other human race powerhouses imagined. On the contrary, the expression he showed at the moment was ‘excited’ or more appropriate.

Afterwards, in the horrified gazes of other human experts, Hanyu Xiaotian's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and he greeted the four super alien figures directly...

"South Dipper Six Stars, Tianfu, Tianliang, Tianji, Tiantong, Tianxiang, Seven Kills!"

With a faint drink, Hanyu Xiaotian's hands were transported in front of his abdomen, and his slender and white fingers moved slightly closer and crossed in weird shapes. Then Hanyu Xiaotian's ten fingers began to be dizzying. Rapid changes...