Turn the Universe

Chapter 2912: Exterminate the forbidden beasts (2)

Since comprehending the new rune mystery realm, Hanyu Xiaotian's gossip great supernatural power, Fantian Seal, also seems to have increased its power again, full of endless mystery and mighty power.

Its mystery is several times stronger than before.

At the same time, the four-elephant array of its stars, supernatural powers, is also more mysterious than before.

However, even so, something was unexpected by Hanyu Xiaotian. Under the dual suppression of the Fantian Seal and the Four Elephant Array, the Forbidden Beast from the outside world was not suppressed at once, but still roared. Constantly struggling, as if wanting to escape the blockade of the sky...


"Hey... this alien monster... so powerful, it is even stronger than Zhang Devil..."

Seeing this alien forbidden beast that was still struggling and roaring under his two great supernatural powers, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

In Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes, this different world monster, which was clearly ranked as the ‘Forbidden Beast’ of the Zhang Devil, was not as weird and cold as the Zhang Devil, but it was stronger and more brutal at the same time.

This point, from now on, is about to be suppressed, but still yelling at him with **** killing eyes, Han Yu Xiaotian felt it.


At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian was standing volley above the head of the huge alien forbidden beast, quietly witnessing its terrifying body roar.

And within a few hundred kilometers of the surrounding sky and earth, they are filled with the endless coercion of the Primordial Stars and Four Elephants, and there is no ordinary alien powerhouse that can stand.

Therefore, those alien powerhouses with awe-inspiring expressions can only surround themselves hundreds of miles away, watching Han Yu Xiaotian ‘bully’ the terrifying forbidden beast so brightly, they dare not approach the slightest...


"Well, how did I clean up that chapter devil back then?... By the way, then, let you get the same treatment..."

Seeing that under the combined forces of the Four Elephants and Fantianyin, there was still no immediate time to suppress this giant alien beast, Hanyu Xiaotian couldn't help but ponder, his eyes flashed.

This kind of forbidden beast in another world does not actually master the power of the mysterious laws of heaven and earth.

But when it comes to vitality, physical strength, recovery ability, and the terrifying energy in the huge body, they are far more common than humans and alien superpowers.


Even to a certain extent, their existence has surpassed the division of human power levels.

Therefore, despite Hanyu Xiaotian's two successive great magical powers, this alien forbidden beast has not really been suppressed.

However, even though this alien forbidden beast is so powerful, Hanyu Xiaotian's most lethal supernatural power has already been shot...



Accompanied by a faint voice, Hanyu Xiaotian stretched out a finger and pointed at one of the endless stars suppressed around the alien beast~

And following Hanyu Xiaotian's gesture, a star buried deep in the four elephants array suddenly burst out with endless light and heat, shining brightly.

At the same time, it fell directly from the sea of ​​stars, and just for a moment, it rushed directly into the roaring mouth of the alien forbidden beast...
