Turn the Universe

Chapter 2994: Human body and universe

"The human body and the universe... well, if there is a contrast..."

"Huh? Contrast...Isn't it ready-made in the little master's body...this is really a donkey for a donkey..."

In the midst of babbling, Hanyu Xiaotian suddenly patted his head and was upset for a few seconds. Then, his gaze on the "Taishi Tianyuan Book" also sparked...

The essence of the ancient warriors of human beings is to see and comprehend the universe, the sun, the moon and the stars, the four seasons, the five elements of yin and yang, and the five elements of yin, yang and five elements.

Starting from the skin and flesh and blood, to the bones and internal organs, to condensing the body's acupuncture points, opening the human body's secrets, making the law of heaven and earth imprint one's body, forming a small universe, reaching the supreme realm that I am the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are me.


It is extremely difficult and obscure for ordinary people to comprehend the mysteries of the universe. It is even more difficult to combine it with the mystery of the human body.

But Hanyu Xiaotian is different.

Because, in his mind, a vast universe is running on its own.

Although it may not be exactly the same as the real heaven, earth and universe, the mystery of the heaven and earth contained in it is also endless.

And Hanyu Xiaotian's control of his body is far beyond that of ordinary people. This control is even more accurate to the level of terror of every cell.

Therefore, if you compare the two, no one is more convenient than Hanyu Xiaotian...


Sun, moon and stars, pubic acupuncture points.

The galaxy runs horizontally and the meridians run.

The world has black and white, and the human body has yin and yang.

The five elements are combined with the nine palaces, and the hidden body is hidden.

Since ancient times, in the cognition of human philosophers, the human body has been closely related to the universe.

In the ancient mythology of China, the human body is called Dao body, which is the shape of heaven and earth and contains the infinite mystery of the universe...


In the old days, Hanyu Qingtian, the patriarch of the Hanyu family, taught Hanyu Xiaotian when he was very young~

‘The human body is the universe and is also full of celestial bodies and stars. The evolution of celestial bodies directly affects the movement of human meridians.

The stars have three hundred and sixty-five main stars, and the human body has three hundred and sixty-five major points;

The stars are vast and boundless, and the cells of the human body are unlimited;

There are various air currents swirling in the sky, and people have circulation of qi and blood;

Heaven has warp and weft intertwined, and people are connected by meridians.

The heaven and the earth have infinite secrets, and the human body has infinite secrets. ’

‘The evolution of celestial bodies is not static. In the vast universe of stars and clouds, all things live and breathe, and yin and yang are constantly undergoing huge changes. The illusion is endless and it is difficult to speculate. However, all things and all things always have their own laws.

The celestial bodies are qualitative and invisible, and the human body is qualitative and tangible. Humans condense the celestial bodies in themselves and have their own unique laws and trajectories. This is a small universe, a small world...’


At that time, Han Yu Xiaotian was still young, and he could not fully understand everything Han Yu Qingtian said, but he had already remembered all this in the deepest part of his mind.

Then, after Hanyu Xiaotian stepped out of his family and entered into the world, among the big planets, in the mystery of the mountains and seas, and in the barren battlefield, Hanyu Xiaotian constantly realized the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, and successively saw the mysteries of the human body. , The mystery of genes, even the mystery of the organization structure of another world~

Now, when these scenes involving the relationship between the human body and the universe are constantly pouring into Hanyu Xiaotian's mind, he is immediately indulged in the infinite mystery between the two... .


The mysteries of the universe are endless, as are the mysteries of the human body.

And through the cosmic stars in his mind and the endless mysterious organization structure in his body, Hanyu Xiaotian gradually seemed to understand something, making his eyes brighter~

The most powerful thing about human beings lies not in other things, but in the development of the human body itself. The human body is the universe.

For a long time, in order to bear the cosmic starry sky in his own mind, all the acupuncture points, dantian, meridian and other body structures of Hanyu Xiaotian's physical body are almost closed, and it is impossible to open it~

Although Hanyu Xiaotian later obtained the cellular structure of the mysterious creatures native to Moriwang by virtue of the super cells on the Moriwang star, it has continuously advanced to become a "seven-star", the law of self-regeneration~

But at this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian suddenly realized that, in contrast to this, the real mystery of the human body may not be inferior, it may even be more...


"Well... the'Men King's native physique' that I obtained on the Sun King is actually the smallest cell structure change, the most essential genetic recombination of living beings; but my body structure and mystery are still the human body. , And...the human body that has never been developed..."

"If I can develop the infinite mystery inside the human body on the basis of the native physique of King Mori, and exert the supreme power of the human body, what will happen... "

In the muttering, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes not only brightened up.


Han Yu Xiaotian's mind, the universe and the starry sky, has always been completely out of touch with his body.

In other words, Hanyu Xiaotian has always regarded his body as a container for carrying the universe and stars in his mind.

This kind of cognition became more ingrained especially after he acquired the native physique of King Mori.

Therefore, for so long, Hanyu Xiaotian has always used supernatural powers and physical powers separately, and they have nothing to do with each other.

But at this time, through the continuous and subtle exploration between the two and his own knowledge of the mysteries of the human body during this period of time, Hanyu Xiaotian truly perceives the amazing similarity between the two. Similarities...


And while Hanyu Xiaotian was constantly exploring the human body and the universe, the weird pattern stripes on the "Taishi Tianyuan Book" in his hand suddenly changed~

Those pattern stripes, in Hanyu Xiaotian’s shining eyes, turned into mysterious patterns of countless celestial bodies and human bodies...

Stars and stars, acupuncture cells everywhere.

The meridians and blood flow, the latitude and longitude of the world.

A piece of nebula cantilever, one side hides a hundred skeletons...