Turn the Universe

Chapter 2995: The Shock of the Human Federation (1)

"Taishi, Tianyuan. The universe, the human body. The two are so wonderful..."

In these incredible changes, Han Yu Xiaotian suddenly felt that the universe and galaxies in his mind, and the various organizations of his body, began to have a few inexplicable connections...

During this exploration and comprehension, I don't know when Han Yu Xiaotian started to understand the weird patterns and words in the "Taishi Tianyuan Book" in his hand.

Slowly, in awe, with the continuous interpretation of "Taishi Tianyuan Book" and the constant insight into the mysteries of the universe and the human body, Han Yu Xiaotian became addicted to it...

Enlightenment knows no time.

Just when Hanyu Xiaotian was at the bottom of the sin domain and began to comprehend the infinite mysteries of the heavens and the earth and the human body, outside the sin domain, the entire human confederation quietly began to surge violently because of a news. .....


Milky Way.

Holy wheel star.

Saint Tees Cathedral of the Western Union.

"What? The Chinese Oriental Valkyrie is dead? Is the news true?"

At this moment, a cardinal of the Cross Saint Church of the Western Union was radiating a holy light all over his body, as if a **** descended into the world, and asked in surprise downward.

However, his expression at this time was extremely horrified, and his slightly trembling tone revealed an indescribable aura.


"My Excellency, this is what the Lawrence family who has just returned from the deserted battlefield said personally. It should definitely not be wrong. Moreover, according to it, the Eastern Valkyrie took the entire deserted battlefield and destroyed it together. At the same time, the China Eastern Family The patriarch Dongfang Rising Sun is also dead..."

At the place where the cardinal started, an old man wearing a sacrificial robe and holding a white and silver scepter was reporting respectfully. However, from his slightly shaking shoulders, it can also be seen that this person is not as calm as he is now.

"Lawrence... that shouldn't be wrong. Their family has always been the Lord's most loyal believer. In this way, the Eastern Valkyrie of China is really dead..."

Hearing the name ‘Lawrence’, the cardinal’s eyes shook again.


"Yes, Honorable Cardinal, Lawrence has already said that the Desolate Battlefield Vast Sky City, which belongs to the chief of our Western Alliance, has rushed to the Bishop's Court and personally reported to the Pope."

The ritual holding the scepter was confirmed again.

"It's a different fire... well, in that case, it seems that the glory of our cross sage leader will soon shine in more areas...

After the notification, the bishops, priests, priests, elders, samurai, warlocks, and saints who are affiliated to my cross saints, from today onwards, have begun to retract and stand by...

Well, at the same time, the order is also notified to the arbitration house..."

Accompanied by the sound of words, a burst of light shining across the St. Tees Cathedral suddenly shone, and then the cardinal's figure has disappeared...


Nathan star.

A huge and magnificent building beyond human imagination is standing tall.

Here, is the headquarters of the M's strongest genetic warrior organization-Hand of God.

At this moment, in this huge and magnificent palace, several figures sat together.

"Storm, what you said is true? The Eastern Valkyrie of China was destroyed together with the Desolate Battlefield?"

"Yes, this is what I saw with my own eyes. At that time, the Eastern Martial God was in the final period of the five declines of the heavens and the humans. He was already dead soon. Later, after we all withdrew, he used a very terrifying ancient martial art to bring the entire The deserted battlefield is shattered together."

"One move, to destroy a plane and space... China Warriors, is it really so powerful... No wonder that with just one person, countless human powers are jealous, and even the major human powers can't lift their heads. ..."

One of these people was the Chief Storm of the Vast Sky City who had just returned from the deserted battlefield.

And sitting side by side with it are the high-level leaders of the Hand of God organization, and even the super strong 100-level genetic warrior who is no less than the storm...


"It is hard to imagine that the ancient martial arts would have such a power, which is even more terrifying than the enhancement of human essential power brought by our M genetic reagent..."

"However, Storm, the alien genetic reagents and specimens you brought back this time will greatly improve the combat power of my genetic warriors. I believe that in the near future, M’s position and right to speak in the Federation of Humanity should be adjusted. adjusted..."

"Yes, the genetic nature of those alien races is so much higher than our human beings...As we continue to crack their genetic codes, starting today, our M will also enter the era of rapid growth in strength!"

"Well, the Eastern Martial God is dead, and some people and forces should re-position themselves. This may be a rare opportunity for us M..."



Tian. The headquarters of the Dynasty.

On this planet, no other person or force can get involved, it is the unique planet of the people of the Heavenly Dynasty.

It is also the only planet that converges the four royal families of the sky, the Amaterasu royal family, the wind demon royal family, the blood mist royal family and the Naruto royal family...


"Is the Eastern Valkyrie really dead?"

"There is no doubt. This, all human powers returning from the deserted battlefield have witnessed it with their own eyes!"

"At the same time, the patriarch of the Eastern Clan and the major powerhouses of China's first family are also dead. Now, China has no first family..."

"Furthermore, Lord Abyss King of Abdiga has also directly detained the Hanyu Xiaotian of Huaxia..."

The people who spoke at this time were all from the high-levels of the four imperial clans of the Tian Dynasty, and they all exuded the secret power fluctuations that were not inferior to the super powers of the Chinese ancient martial arts.


"Han Yu Xiaotian? Is that the Chinese kid who repeatedly ruined the good deeds of Abdiga and us?"

"Yes, it is said that at that time, Dongfang Stigma and other Chinese experts still wanted to resist, but under the suppression of Lord Abyss King and others, they also reluctantly retreated..."

"Well, this person is indeed a troublesome figure in the future of China, and it is more likely to be a stumbling block to the future of my heaven. Dynasty. I heard that he has shown extremely enchanting talent and strength on the barren battlefield..."

"Why didn't Lord Abyss King directly kill this person?"

"Maybe, Lord Abyss King has his own considerations. At that time, there were millions of strong Chinese who came out of the Desolate Battlefield, and the strong from other parties and the other two chiefs were all watching, even the Abyss Lord Wang, dare not act arbitrarily."

"On the other hand, according to the secret spy reports of our Tian Dynasty, this Hanyu Xiaotian is actually the inventor of the new Chinese rune weapon.

At the same time, he invented something on the deserted battlefield, which is comparable to a magic weapon. The Lord of the Abyss seized it. Maybe he wanted to obtain the new rune magic weapon and the mystery of the rune from this person... "
