Turn the Universe

Chapter 3061: No retreat

Seeing that the people below were all looking at him, Wang Hetong spoke again~

"Then the other way around, if the Shentu family fails and we take refuge in the Shentu family again, then there is no need to say more about the result of our royal family. At that time, we won't say Feihuang Tengda, even if we can save our lives, it will be a blessing. Up."

"Furthermore, now that we are involved in the reshuffle of our Huaxia, I am afraid that it is not just our internal competition. Because the Oriental Martial God is dead, this time we are staring at our Huaxia benefit cake.

Within this horrible vortex, our royal family may not even count as ants. As long as one step is wrong, it may be an abyss immediately! "

After the heavy voice fell, the breathing of the entire royal family stopped.

In the beginning, many of them thought that by relying on the Shentu family, they could rise to prosperity, and even if they were not good enough, they would not be threatened by suppression.

However, after Wang Hetong talked about this, all of their talents truly realized that with the power of their own royal family, in this whirlpool, there is no autonomy at all, and it may be the end of overthrow at any time.

And relying on the Shentu family will not change any results at all, and may even be doomed to their fate of destruction and decline...

"Then remove the first possibility. Our Wang family can only choose the second."

After sighing softly, Wang Hetong looked at the gray-faced clansmen and said again~

"After all, our Wang family is still one of the Chinese legislators of the seventh administrative region. Although the Shentu family is arrogant and domineering, but after all, it has no real power, let alone our royal family. As long as we can hold the bottom line, they don't dare to move our Wang family at will. ."

After talking about this, Wang Hetong finally stopped.

As the patriarch of the Wang family's generation, Wang Hetong led the Wang family from an ordinary family and experienced more than one Jiazi.

And the reason why he was able to lead the Wang family from the ordinary to today's position step by step, and stand for decades, his vision and political wisdom are naturally outstanding.

Take care of yourself!

In Wang Hetong's cognition, at this time, the Wang family can survive this storm only by taking care of themselves.

Even if this storm does not allow the Wang family to take care of themselves, they can only bite the bullet and do so.

Because only by taking care of themselves, they may have a chance to survive.

This is a helpless choice, because in this terrifying storm, the Wang family is really too weak.

Moreover, there is no retreat...

Early the next morning.

The headquarters of the seventh administrative region of the Alxing Human Federation, China Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, in the hall, there are nearly a hundred people from Al Xing’s seven major families, the Li family, Zhao family, Wu family, Sun family, and the core clans of the Wang family, Jiang family, and Wei family. The breath is condensed.

And at the top of the hall, it is not the Patriarch of these seven families who sits at the top, but the Shentu Clan Shentujin from Ward Star, and the eight-pole profound practitioner of Shentu Clan...

"Patriarch Wang, Patriarch Jiang, Patriarch Wei, I think the meaning I conveyed is clear enough. It is our honor to be appreciated and valued by the Shentu family. Do you really stop thinking about it?"

At this time, Shen Tujin, who was sitting at the top of the hall, kept hanging down and did not make a sound. On the contrary, Li Junqi, the head of the Li family, was constantly persuading Wang Hetong and other Wang family members, as well as the Jiang family and Wei family.

Moreover, after Li Junqi, the Patriarch of the Li Family, said, the Zhao Family, the Sun Family and the Wu Family Patriarch also started admonishing~

"Yes, the Shentu family is one of the super families in the entire human federation, and it is of high authority. Now Master Shentujin has come to meet our seven families in person, don't Brother Wang, Brother Jiang and Brother Wei still not know what's right? "

"Yes, it can be valued by the Shentu family. Our Wu family is willing to do things like dogs and horses. As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant. You three, still think about it... Don't miss the opportunity..."

"Brother Wang, you have always had a long-term vision. You should know that to take refuge in the Shentu family will benefit us without any harm. When the Shentu family takes control of China, then we will all be important officials of China..."

The Li family, Zhao family, Sun family, and Wu family who had already taken refuge in the Shentu family have all consciously become the lobbyists of the Shentu family...

"Huh, you guys..."

Hearing the words of these families, the members of the Wang family, Jiang family, and Wei family all snorted secretly after looking at each other.

At this time, how could they still not understand that these big families of the other party had already taken refuge in the Shentu family? Today's meeting, I am afraid, is basically set up for myself and other three companies.

"Huh, Wu Weiran, last time, you persuaded my Wang family to marry Ruoqi to the Helian family in exchange for the bargaining chip of your Wu family to join the Helian family. This time, why do you want to join the Shentu family again? You are really good. Change..."

Seeing Wu Weiran, the Patriarch of the Wu Family who had always been at odds with the Wang Family, at this moment, looking like a villain, Wang Hetong couldn't help but look coldly.

"What? Wang... Wang Hetong! You are talking nonsense! My Wu family... has always been in the Mu Shentu family for a long time, when have you ever joined the Helian family?

Wu Weiran, who was originally a lobbyist, heard Wang Hetong saying this in vain, suddenly his face stiffened and said angrily.

At the beginning, because Wujia Wuhao tried to chase Wang Ruoqi and failed, Wu Weiran recommended Wang Ruoqi to Helian Xuanzhi of the Chinese super family Helian family, and wanted to use this to climb the Helian family relationship.

But later this matter didn't happen, and the Wu family also broke the possibility of getting involved with the Helian family.

But today, when Wang Hetong raised the matter again in front of the Shentu family, Wu Weiran checked it out and jumped up like a cat was stepped on its tail.

"Huh, Wu Weiran, Li Junqi, you are accustomed to seeing the wind. But don't forget, we, as members of the Huaxia line of the Seventh Administrative Region of the Human Federation, are loyal to the entire Huaxia, not a family!"

Seeing Wu Weiran's reaction, his face was dismissive, Jiang Tianshun, the head of the Jiang family, gave him a cold look.

"Huh? Patriarch Jiang, Patriarch Shentu is very talented, and this time we re-selected members of the council, don't you think that the Shentu family will make decisions on behalf of China in a few months?"

Seeing Jiang Tianshun's disdainful expression, Li Junqi couldn't help but snorted, and looked respectfully at the figure of Shen Tujin at the top...