Turn the Universe

Chapter 3070: Noisy

On the other hand, they are also rivals with each other, and they are constantly declaring the sovereignty of the mysterious treasure.

However, just as the people of these major forces announced their strong background, a faint voice suddenly came from the side of Hanyu Juefeng~


At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian was watching with all his attention, the mysterious texture and pattern on the mysterious flame token in the distance, but the huge energy fluctuations caused by the strong tiers of the major forces in the fierce confrontation, and these The voice of Hanyu Juefeng's declaration of sovereignty made Hanyu Xiaotian feel extremely unhappy.


"Huh? Who?"

"Yes... that kid? Impudent..."

Hearing that obviously impatient tone, those who claim to be the Wu family of the beacon, the family of Jian Lin Xingwu Ma, and the Zhanri Sword Sect were all taken aback.

When everyone saw Han Yu Xiaotian's figure, they immediately began to furious. However, before they could react, Han Yu Xiaotian spoke impatiently again...

"You talk too much, what are the Wu family, Ma family, Zhuanri Sword Sect... well, and those who are eye-catching... Zihuang, you go to clear the field!"

Hearing that these people were still chattering in Luo Li, and once again glanced at the obnoxious characters who were fighting, Han Yu Xiaotian waved directly at the purple emperor and others impatiently.

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing Hanyu Xiaotian’s words to clear the scene, the first eyes of the two militants, Hanyu Juxiao and Gu Li, lit up, and then the Blue King, Mo Tianyun, Purple Emperor, and Black Dragon also all promised. Two domineering auras rose to the sky...

"Too much talk?"

"An eyesore?"

"Clear the field...who does he think he is!?"

Hearing an inexplicable young man beside Hanyu Juefeng ranting utterances, people from all major forces were angry, but in the next second, everyone's anger had been transformed into fear... ..

The black dragon is flying into the sky, the goddess of Xuanbing, the flame of the red bird, the dragon is in the world, the magic of Chi You...

A series of terrifying powers containing the laws of heaven and earth, suddenly appeared from Hanyu Xiaotian's side, and turned into twelve realms of shock, heading towards the super powers of the tiers who were fighting in the field.

At the same time, under the impact of the terrifying law of the twelve silhouettes, the people of the major forces suddenly turned pale, spurting blood and flew out...

Around the mysterious flame token, there were seven or eight figures fighting fiercely.

The cultivation bases of these figures have all reached the ground level, and the fluctuations in their fights are extremely terrifying.

However, most of these people are strong in the earth element realm, and only two have reached the underground palace realm cultivation base.

But at this moment, just as they were fighting to get the mysterious token, a group of people were surrounded by ‘huhu la la’...


"Huh? These people... turned out to be super strong in the earth! How is this possible?"

"Are these people from the same force? Impossible..."

When the Blue King, Gu Li and others jumped in with the Purple Emperor and the Black Dragon as the leaders, the super powers of the various tiers who were fighting against each other were shocked after an instant.

Although they are also super strong in the tier, but in terms of true strength and law and mystery, there is still a gap with Gu Li, Hanyu Juxiao and others.

What's more, there are two horror masters, the Purple Emperor and Black Dragon, who are equivalent to the extreme realm of the earth.

So, just in a moment, these super powers from all major forces were directly forced to retreat by the Purple Emperor and others...


"Twelve...Earth-level super powers...how come..."

"Master Xiaotian... who is it..."

At this moment, not to mention that the scene was completely changed due to the actions of the twelve people including the Purple Emperor, even Han Yu Juefeng, Han Yu Lingfang and others were instantly dumbfounded.

Originally, everyone was worried that the family did not pay attention to this transmission of themselves and others, and only sent some family patriots here.

But just for an instant, this mysterious clansman of his own family sent twelve super-level powerhouses.

The situation in which a lot of fighting has just turned into the Han Yu family suppresses all forces.

This change made Hanyu Juefeng and Hanyu Lingfang excited, but it also made them a little unbelievable.

However, even so, seeing Hanyu Xiaotian watching the mysterious treasure at this time with full concentration, Hanyu Juefeng and others did not dare to ask anything, but at this time they looked at Hanyu Xiaotian's eyes, but they had changed. stand up......

"Well, what a mysterious pattern, most of which I can't distinguish...but..."

After a while, Hanyu Xiaotian's divine consciousness finally recovered, and at the same time, his eyes on the mysterious flame token flashed slightly.

"Well, you guys are waiting here, I'll go and collect the token first."

I didn't say much to Han Yu Juefeng and the others, when Han Yu Xiaotian retracted his spiritual thoughts, he flew up and flew toward the token.

"Ah, Lord Xiaotian, be careful, the flames there are terrifying..."

Seeing Han Yu Xiaotian's actions, Han Yu Juefeng wanted to remind him, but he seemed to remember something before he finished speaking, and then stopped...


The terrifying flames burned the void, making a sound of burning like substance, making the scalp numb when people saw it.

And under the high temperature of this flame, layers of deformed and twisted heat waves, like boiling water, continue to boil and scatter.

However, even with such a high temperature, Hanyu Xiaotian’s abnormal physique can’t be helped~

If you look at it from the outside world, Hanyu Xiaotian at this time is shining with a hazy starlight outside, moving fast in the high temperature of that terrifying flame.

And outside that starlight, no matter how terrifying the flame, it can't break through that layer of starlight.

Even though the void collapsed, the starlight that Hanyu Xiaotian radiated from the body to the outer layer did not know how many stars released, but it remained motionless, "waves" in the wave of flames...

"Who is this person?"

"God... we have tried, that flame, even the hardest ore here, and the magical alloy can't bear..."

"That person just went in? This...how is it possible."

When the major forces saw that inexplicable Hanyu Xiaotian flew in with such a grin, everyone's heart beat again...