Turn the Universe

Chapter 3086: Song Yuzhi's Knife

"Hey, the law of Lord Valkyrie's remaining will is really too profound. I have been comprehending for dozens of days, but I can only glimpse the way and get the skin."

"Huh? That's..."

While sighing, the old man slowly opened his eyes, but at this moment, his gaze condensed, and at the same time, two slender figures standing in the sky appeared in his sight...


Over the sea.

Han Yu Xiaotian and Song Yu were looking at each other in the sky.

"Mr. Song Yu, although Xiaotian is still young, he has long heard of the name'Heavenly Sword'. It is also fortunate for Xiaotian to take this opportunity to discuss with Mr. Song Yu and see the power of the Heavenly Sword. "

With his hands on his back, Han Yu Xiaotian said sincerely while looking at each other indifferently.

"The ancestor's heavenly swords do dominate the world. However, Song Yu is not talented enough and can only get a third of it. On the contrary, Xiaotian Xiaoyou can reach such a cultivation level at such an age, which is beyond Song Yu's recognition. know."

Song Yu was originally a Confucianist, gentle and elegant, and his temperament was not inferior to peerless figures such as Abdiga's Abyss King and Oriental Rising Sun.

"Well, since it was me who proposed the discussion, of course Song Yu would not let it. Brother Xiaotian, be careful..."

After just being polite, Song Yu stood up in awe.

And with his voice, the gentle Confucian spirit before him has gradually begun to disappear...



A dull thunder flashed.

I don't know when, the sky that was still sunny and warm just now was covered with thick clouds.


Lightning flashes through the depths of the clouds, and the amazing energy makes people frightened.

The wind is blowing~

Every thread, every thread, is like a knife cut, raging everywhere.

In the howling, the endless sea waves roared in anger and stunned huge waves. Even the black boulders of Shiya faintly cracked in the hurricane.

As Song Yu's Confucian temperament disappeared, inexplicably, the whole world became fierce...


"Why has the world within the barrier suddenly changed? This breath..."

"It's terrible, I feel that everything is going to be torn apart, what is going on?"

"It's that person! He... can influence the celestial phenomena? Is he a peerless strongman of the heavenly rank? No! This breath is... from his body! He is the top super strongman of the ground rank!"

"This celestial phenomenon was changed by the changes in the body's aura! What a terrifying strength! Who is this person..."


With the changes in the whole heaven and earth qi within the enchantment, including everyone in the rocky cliffs of the sea and on the land, their eyes were awe-inspiring and shocked.

Some of the strong men even saw the terrifying strength contained in Song Yu's body, and while shocked in their hearts, they even guessed Song Yu's identity.

In the perception of these powerhouses, the changes in the barrier did not occur naturally, but because of the changes in Song Yu's body.

It seems that the fierce hurricane, thunder and lightning, and huge waves are all transformed from its body.

This level of awe-inspiring power has exceeded their imagination...


"My sword means everything in the world!"

With a loud shout, in the horrified eyes of everyone in the barrier, the last trace of scholarly energy in Song Yu has disappeared.

Instead, there is endless fierce domineering.

It seems that the gentle and elegant before, just conceal the appearance of his true temperament, and Song Yu at this time is his true face!

And under this endless aggression, Song Yuqi's whole person seemed to have turned into a knife.


"My sword, with essence, vitality, bones and blood!"

There was another loud shout, and then, in the horror of everyone, Song Yu's figure had disappeared before everyone's eyes. At the same time, a giant sword that penetrated the sky and the earth had appeared between the sky and the earth.


The moment this giant sword appeared, the whole world began to tremble, and the overbearing and aggressive intention to smash the world rippled away.

The fierce blade light is like an electric python, the huge blade is cutting on all sides, the ground is fragmented, the space is distorted, and the sea is surging.

And under the intent of this terrifying giant knife, almost everyone's mind has been frozen.

That kind of feeling is like every muscle, bone, and blood vessel of oneself is enveloped by that terrifying knife intent. As long as the opponent moves gently, oneself will be cut into countless pieces... .


"The knife came out, shattering the world."


Following Song Yu's last cry, amidst countless horror and horror, the fierce giant sword was finally cut out.

And as the horror knife light cut out, the clouds broke, the hurricane disappeared, the sea separated, the space was torn, and the whole world was divided in half~

Shatter the world!


As early as when he saw Hanyu Xiaotian, Song Yu discovered the weird and mysterious Hanyu Xiaotian.

Song Yu's vigilance had long been aroused by the opponent's breath that was so close in front of him, but as if it didn't exist, and could not be captured.

Especially the vast and boundless aura that inadvertently flashed from Hanyu Xiaotian's body, which made Song Yu secretly jealous.

Therefore, when discussing with Hanyu Xiaotian, he no longer locked Hanyu Xiaotian with his divine mind, but directly used the sword intent to smash the entire world, making Hanyu Xiaotian unable to hide. , Can only insist on the meaning of its heavenly sword.

This is also the countermeasure Song Yu has long thought of...


A secret place in the Eastern family.

A gust of breeze passed through the secret door gap, flowing like water across the woody floor, passing by a square table with a dim butter lamp burning on one side.

In the dim light, an old man's face was reflected.

The old man's face was full of deep wrinkles, and layers of dust fell between the layers of loose skin.

If you don't know, you almost think this old man has been dead for a long time.

On the upper eyelid of the old man, there was no wave of the ancient well, only occasionally opened and closed, and there was a flash of light inside that let people know that the old man was still alive.


The old man wore a loose gray-white robe, and many parts were corroded due to too long time. Under the fragments of the robe that fell off, a sparse rugged skeleton was exposed.

In the breeze, the old man stood still like a rock.

The breeze flowing over the square table was inadvertently sucked into the nose by the old man, and then gently exhaled, exhaling and inhaling, harmonizing with the sound of the wind, extremely mysterious.
