Turn the Universe

Chapter 3194: Mystery token

"Well, as for the token, it's left here for the time being."

Without covering up, Han Yu Xiaotian said directly.

"Of course, the flame token was originally acquired by Hanyu-sama..."

Regarding Han Yu Xiaotian's words, Yang Zhengming, Long Zu Long Wu and others did not have the slightest opinion.

Although Yang Zhengming and the others discovered the mysterious flame token trail first, everyone understands that if Han Yu Xiaotian happened to come to Huo Ze Xing at the invitation of Han Yuyi, then don’t talk about the flame token at this moment. Even Huoyanjing everyone couldn't get a bit. It's even more likely to be here.

Now, everyone has not only obtained several times the flame crystals, but also may have discovered the traces of the New Human Alliance...

"By the way, Xiaotian, won't you return to Star Ward with us?"

Seeing Han Yu Xiaotian's behavior, Han Yu Yi asked slightly in surprise.

"Well, I still have something to do. I won’t go back for the time being. I will notify you when I return to Ward Star. In addition, now Grand Elder Hanyu Yuankong is sitting in Ward Star, if something happens to you, You can directly find Elder Yuankong."

After a little hesitation, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but instruct Han Yu Yi to come.

At this moment of China's internal and external troubles, although Han Yuyi is only in a strange family, and does not have much rights to associate with major families and forces, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not encounter danger in the future.

"Okay, I get it. Then Xiaotian, you have to be careful too..."

Han Yu Yi knew that what Han Yu Xiaotian was doing now was probably more dangerous than most people. So it is also very concerned.

"Well, so be it. I'll go first, and I'll leave it to you."

Nodded slightly, Han Yu Xiaotian greeted Yang Zhengming, Longzu Longwu and others again, and when even turned around with the purple emperor Heilong and others, they disappeared into the sky...

In the spaceship.

"Boss, what exactly is this token?"

"These two tokens seem to be really similar. If it weren't for the rune patterns on them, I could hardly recognize them..."

"I've never heard of such tokens. And the flame power contained in them is so terrifying, I really can't guess what they are."

"Moreover, the flame colors on the two tokens seem to be different, one is crimson, the other is golden..."

"Well, these two types of flames...the profound mysteries contained in them are different..."

As Huo Zexing's incident came to an end, at this moment, the Purple Emperor, Meng Wanyue, Hua Fei Shen and Gu Qingxue, and Han Yu Xiaotian were surrounding the two flame tokens suspended in mid-air, constantly discussing what .

Through the power of these two tokens when they were born, Meng Wanyue, Hua Fei Shen and Mei Hua Thirteen also knew that these two things would definitely not be ordinary things.

While the two are similar, there are some differences, and even the color of the flames are somewhat different, which has caused everyone to speculate.

Especially the flower flying and sinking in the cultivation of flame mystery, it is extremely sensitive to the flame on the flame token...

"Well, these two flame tokens appear one after another, they must be related, and there may be more than two. In addition, I recently suddenly felt that this flame token seems to be connected to a strange energy somewhere, as if guiding me to Where to go......"

Looking at the mysterious runes on the two flame tokens with piercing eyes, Han Yu Xiaotian was brewing something in his heart.

"There is a strange energy connected to the token..."

"Why didn't I feel..."

"Guide? So boss, the direction we are going now is...where you sensed it?"

Upon hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's words, Gu Qingxue, Meng Canyue and others asked curiously.

"Well, I actually felt vaguely from the time I got the first flame token on Saint Lin Xing. Now this feeling is getting stronger and stronger."

Nodded, Han Yu Xiaotian said again.

As early as when Han Yu Xiaotian obtained the first flame token, he noticed the faint induction. However, he was anxious to go to Ward Star at the time, so he ignored the token change for the time being.

And now, Hanyu Xiaotian has obtained a second token. Not only does that kind of induction become stronger, it also makes Hanyu Xiaotian decide to follow that guide to take a look...

"Huh? Boss, these two tokens seem to be shaking slightly?"

"Really? Are we here?"

"Well... this kind of vibration is getting stronger and stronger..."

Just as several people were discussing the mystery of the flame token, the two flame tokens floating in the air suddenly shook.

And this kind of shock is becoming more and more obvious.

And just as everyone was a little surprised, the spaceship they were riding on suddenly shook, even if it stopped...

"Huh? What's the matter, Tianyun, why did you stop?"

Putting away the two flame tokens, Hanyu Xiaotian, who was also puzzled, couldn't help asking Motianyun.

Through the faint induction of the flame token, Hanyu Xiaotian knew that the place that attracted him was still extremely remote and obscure, it could not be here at all.

But here, the Flame Token suddenly made an abnormal movement, and their spaceship stopped inexplicably, which made Han Yu Xiaotian extremely surprised...

"Boss, I don't know. The spacecraft seems to have lost its orientation, and the radar doesn't show it... No, we seem to have entered a magnetic field?..."

Mo Tianyun, who was constantly manipulating the spaceship, was also confused at this time, a little unclear.

It obviously didn't have any induction just now, let alone any magnetic field, why the spacecraft suddenly failed.

However, while everyone was still looking for the cause, in the dark universe, a faint blue flame from scratch appeared out of thin air in front of everyone's spacecraft...


This faint blue flame that suddenly appeared in front of Hanyu Xiaotian and the others just appeared, and it seemed to have caused something. Then, around the spaceship Hanyu Xiaotian was riding in, a huge flame barrier suddenly appeared. Showed up.

"Huh? This is... an enchantment?"

Witnessing this scene, Hanyu Xiaotian, Zihuang and others were all moved.

And when everyone perceives this faint blue flame, which is obviously different from ordinary flames, their expressions congeal slightly after only a moment...