Turn the Universe

Chapter 3196: Torch

"Huh? How do you know that I received the token? Could it be...you can sense..."

Hearing the words of these mysterious fire worshipers, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but move his heart again.

On Huoze Star, Hanyu Xiaotian had scanned with divine mind, and there was no trace of these people.

The other party was able to determine the token on Huoze Star, and not long after he left Huoze Star, he knew that the token had fallen on him, and set up a flame barrier just right to trap him.

This series of difficult to explain things can only make Hanyu Xiaotian guess that the other party can sense the token.

And what happened next really confirmed Hanyu Xiaotian's guess...

"Yes, in fact, that flame token is the supreme sacred object of my Zoroastrianism-the holy fire order!

Well, as for what I said before that it was because of you, it was because I was on Ward Star, and when I waited, I sensed that there was a holy fire token on your body. "

"I just didn't expect that after such a short period of time, your Excellency won the second sacred fire token again. This is really beyond my expectation..."

When several people in black robes nodded again, the faint flame light fluctuations in their eyes suddenly stabilized at a certain frequency, and then an incomprehensible breath rippled out.

And just under this aura fluctuation, Han Yu Xiaotian's expression changed for the first time.

Because, under the mysterious flame fluctuations of the other party, the two flame tokens that were originally in his storage ring unexpectedly appeared in the air without his control...

"Hmm! What do you want to do!"


"You dare to try to seize the things of my boss!"

Seeing this scene, the purple emperor black dragon, Hanyu Juxiao and others all had a sharp expression and their breath was wild! Stepped out immediately. But the next second, they stopped again~

Because in front of the two flame tokens that appeared in the Hanyu Xiaotian storage ring, the other party did not intend to snatch, but knelt down in the sky with excitement and trembling...

"Sure enough, I taught to search for the holy fire order for countless years..."

In the trembling tone, these great people claiming to be worshippers of the ancient Zoroastrianism did not react to the actions of the Purple Emperor and the Black Dragon. They all looked excitedly at the two holy fire tokens floating in the sky, as if Believers bow down to worship the gods they believe in.

At this time, these people are all holding a mysterious pattern shape in their hands, and they are chanting some kind of syllable mantra that others cannot understand~

And following the weird behavior of these people, a trace of extremely mysterious power fluctuation suddenly appeared on the token, and immediately, the two flame tokens began to glow slightly...

"Huh? Really reacted...what is going on..."

"Sacred Fire Order? Really? Well, these people are not magic sticks, are they? Performing this show in front of this young master, do you want to just try to grab the token in the hands of this young man?"

Seeing a scene that hadn't been predicted before, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

These two mysterious tokens, but he finally grabbed them...well, got them, now these people want to take the tokens away with this magical performance...

For this reason, Hanyu Xiaotian's aura could not help but fluctuate, and immediately, he raised his right hand, and began to stroke the flame token volley mysteriously...


With the inexplicable flick of Han Yu Xiaotian's fingers, the flame token floating in the air seemed to perceive something, and it began to fluctuate again...

"What is going on? What happened?"

"The Holy Fire token, why did it suddenly fluctuate? Huh? No! This is..."

"Ah, it's the holy pattern on the torch token!"

"What, the holy pattern on the holy fire order is lit up!"

When the holy flame trembling, the fire worshipers immediately noticed something, but when they looked at the holy fire token, they were shocked.

In the unbelievable gazes of several people, the part of the ‘sacred pattern’ on the sacred fire order flashed with infinite mysterious light as Hanyu Xiaotian’s fingers flicked.

After that, he only trembled slightly before returning to Hanyu Xiaotian's hands...

"Well, look... now, it seems that I am the owner of these two tokens..."

Seeing the shocked expression of the other party, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but curled his lips, shaking the two tokens in front of a few people, like "you don't lie to me"...

"Han... Your Excellency Hanyu, you... You just... drove the Saint Rune!?"

"This is impossible! I taught the inheritance for thousands of years. I can only use the secret technique to exert the power of the Holy Fire Order, but no one has ever been able to drive the Holy Rune..."

"Does he really understand the Holy Rune... Is that the reason why he can get two Holy Fire Orders in succession..."

"That said, he... he was approved by the Holy Fire Order..."

In the shock, the few people who worshipped the Zoroastrians suddenly no longer had the mystery and calmness before, but as if they saw something incredible, they fixedly stared at the figure of Hanyu Xiaotian...

"Saint Rune? Isn't this a rune of heaven and earth? Although...it seems a bit weird and obscure..."

"Well, but it doesn't matter. Are you planning to tell me about your purpose?"

"Also, is this thing really what you said about the "Holy Fire Order"? What is the mystery of it..."

Being stopped by an enchantment for no reason, the other party staged a ritual of kneeling and worshipping the "Holy Fire Order" as if to **** the flame token, which naturally made Han Yu Xiaotian very unhappy.

Now, it is time for him to ask these inexplicable people...

"Uh...Your Excellency Hanyu..."

Seeing Hanyu Xiaotian's hand shaking like a rattle's'Holy Fire Order', the hearts of several people twitched slightly.

"Your Excellency Hanyu, as I just said, I teach inheritance from the ancient civilization. This'ancient civilization' may be different from what you think. It is not the ancient period of the human period, but the ancient civilization before the human civilization... ......"

These ancient Zoroastrians first stabilized their minds, and then the head of them slowly began to speak...