Turn the Universe

Chapter 3210: Hexagonal Altar

"Huh, it's finally over, these big rocks are too difficult to deal with."

"What the **** is going on with these stone statues? How come they suddenly come back to life?"

"Unexpectedly, I just entered this site and haven't seen any treasures yet, but I had an inexplicable fight with these stone statues!"

Seeing these huge and untouchable mysterious stone statues stopped, everyone including Han Yu Xiaotian was unconsciously relieved.

Although the time for everyone to fight against these huge stone statues is not long, the loss of mind and strength to everyone just now is not small at all.

Especially Hanyu Xiaotian, who had used his great supernatural powers many times, felt the star power in his body dropped sharply.

Although his star power is infinite, its consumption is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Had it not been for his eight-star celestial body to be too enchanting and perverted, I am afraid that he would have been out of strength and be trapped in this stone statue array...


"It's hard to imagine what power these stone statues are driving. Even after hundreds of millions of years, they can still be so terrifying..."

"Their bodies are too hard, even the Sixth Rank Divine Weapon can't match it. Is this really a stone?"

"Well, such a powerful stone statue is the guard of this altar. It seems that this altar may be really important..."

Recalling the horror of the stone statues before, even with Hanyu Xiaotian’s terrifying power, they can only leave scars of about half a meter at most. It is difficult for everyone to imagine how these mysterious stone statues were produced, and what kind of Form exists.

But after getting rid of these stone statues, everyone finally had time to observe, this mysterious huge altar that attracted them...


The altar is a unique building used by ancient civilizations to worship gods and pray for blessing.

The ancestors blended their perceptions of gods into it, and sublimated them to unique concepts, such as orientation, yin and yang, layout, etc., which were all perfectly reflected in these buildings.

Sacrificial activity is a dialogue between man and god. This dialogue achieves the echo between **** and man through rituals, music and dance, and sacrifices.

Of course, the gods corresponding to the altar can be both righteous and evil, and even sacrifice to demons and evil spirits.

At this time, the altar that appeared in front of Hanyu Xiaotian and the others conformed to all the characteristics contained in the word'altar'.

However, its real effect is that it has long since disappeared in the dust of hundreds of millions of years.


"Curious and special altar, this shape, I have never seen it."

"Such a big altar, with so many powerful stone guards, it must not be easy..."

"The lines and patterns on this altar are even more mysterious than those on the stone pillars..."

At this time, everyone was standing on top of this huge altar. The area above the altar was not too big, but it was hundreds of square meters, presenting a strange hexagonal shape.

Above the hexagon, there are six strangely shaped stone square tripods, densely carved with various patterns and patterns that no one can understand. However, these patterns and lines are mottled because they are too old, and they are not real.

On the square tripod, there is also a flame-shaped stone carving, which is also faintly carved on it.

At the same time, on the altar floor under the feet of everyone, there are also circles of strange patterns, starting from the tip of the hexagon, spreading towards the center, and crossing into a strange pattern...


"Is there no entrance to this altar? Or does it require a spell to open it?"

"The mysterious aura seems to have penetrated from the inside of the altar. This altar can definitely be opened!"

"What is the meaning and mystery of this hexagonal pattern..."

Seeing this completely unknown pattern and pattern, Meng Canyue, Mo Tianyun and the others only felt confused, and had no idea what it was.

Therefore, in the end, everyone's gaze can only turn their gaze on the boss of the others, Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Well, I can't recognize these lines and patterns. These are the remains of civilization hundreds of millions of years ago..."

Constantly looking at the mysterious patterns on this altar, Hanyu Xiaotian's brows are constantly beating, and she feels that there is nowhere to start...


The lines and patterns on the altar are generally not the runes of heaven and earth, but various civilizations, or creatures of various periods, which are condensed and recorded based on the unique culture and spiritual beliefs of the time, which is difficult for outsiders to understand.

Even if Hanyu Xiaotian has reached the highest level of human civilization together with the runes of heaven and earth, it is completely incomprehensible in the face of this civilization sacrificial pattern hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

However, just as Han Yu Xiaotian shook his head, he suddenly found the figure of Hua Fei Shen, staring at a Fang Ding in front of him at a corner of the six corners of the altar, looking up and down...


"Huh? Fei Shen, did you find anything?"

Seeing Hua Fei Shen's reaction, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but move.

"Ah, Boss, the flame aura that attracted me just now seems to be coming from this Fangcao."

Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's voice, Hua Fei Shen couldn't help but awakened from the exploration of the other's Cauldron's breath and responded.

"Flame breath fluctuates?"

Hearing Hua Fei Shen's words, Meng Canyue, Gu Qingxue and others also surrounded him.

When everyone came here before, it was Hua Feichen who sensed something from the altar, so he was the first to step into the range of the stone statue.

Now that he heard that he sensed the flame aura again, everyone couldn't help but became curious.


"Well, I don't know how to say, I feel that the flame-shaped stone does not seem to be dead, but like a real flame, burning for a long time..."

While frowning slightly, Hua Fei Shen said slowly in confusion.

"Oh? These stone flames are...burning?"

Hearing what Hua Fei Shen said, Han Yu Xiaotian and the others also looked at each other, not knowing why.

Because in the perception of everyone, these stone-shaped flames did not react at all, and when they looked at each other, everyone had to look at the flowers again.

Among the people, Hua Fei Shen is the most proficient in flames, not to mention that he is a tianjiao figure in the Suzaku Ling League intensive flames, and later in the mountains and seas, he obtained Xuanyang Blood Flame Flower and Suzaku Blood, and stepped into the realm of the earth by relying on the law of flame.

So if you talk about it with a single flame, even Hanyu Xiaotian can’t compare with Hua Fei Shen...
