Turn the Universe

Chapter 3218: Hanyu Xiaotian's intention

"I am very satisfied with your sacrifice. It is worthwhile to wake up from a long sleep. Tell your wishes, what kind of reward do you plan to have..."

Soon after, the huge voice of the unknown creature rang again.

"Oh? Can I bring up what I want? Then I... said it."

"I hope you can show the original law of space-time power..."

With his eyes flickering, Hanyu Xiaotian finally said his true intentions...

For a long time, the laws of time and space have been the most difficult to master, and even difficult to discover, high-level laws in human civilization.

The so-called time is respect, space is king.

Among the avenues of the Three Thousand Rules, time and space are arguably the most difficult to understand and the most powerful.

Although Hanyu Xiaotian's luck is against the sky, his understanding of space and time is still extremely fragmented up to now.

His comprehension of the laws of time and space is based on certain Taoist magical powers, the spatial aura remaining on the space debris, and the understanding of the silk threads of the laws of time and space that are in the forbidden zone of time and space.

These understandings are like a drop in the ocean in the vast laws of time and space.

At this time, in the altar of the Muria civilization, encountering an unknown existence in this mysterious chaotic space that masters the power of time and space, isn't this the most rare opportunity for Hanyu Xiaotian to get a glimpse of the origin of time and space power... ..

In fact, the time and space power displayed by the other party was not bad, but for Hanyu Xiaotian, it was a tasteless existence.

Han Yu Xiaotian is still young, but a mere twenty years old. In terms of the lifespan of today's human beings, it is actually only a juvenile category.

Therefore, the time power given by the other party to increase the lifespan for several decades is not attractive to Han Yu Xiaotian, and even to Zi Huang and others.

And another light ball’s ‘time force·flow rate slowing down: the rate of time flow rate around the recipient will be reduced ten times for a period of one year of the recipient’s world time. ’

The current Hanyu Xiaotian, his cultivation has reached a bottleneck in the tier realm, and time cannot break through.

Perhaps by slowing down the flow of time, Hanyu Xiaotian can comprehend more laws of fusion and increase his strength again, but there will be no substantial breakthrough.

Moreover, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't wait a year at all in the current situation in China.

Because of this time force, Hanyu Xiaotian also directly "passed".

As for the last one, "Space Force·Crossing: The recipient can cross a space distance of no more than one light-year at any time", it is even more useless for Hanyu Xiaotian.

Because Hanyu Xiaotian had more than one life-saving means, even if his peerless supernatural powers ‘Fighting Stars Shift’, the distance he could move was enough to get him out of any crisis.

And most importantly, among today's humans, there are not many that can make him run away with a smile. And if he needs to run away, then this light-year distance is probably not enough for him to escape...

Therefore, in this situation, to accept the opponent's space-time power, it is better to simply discuss with the other party whether you can understand the origin of the opponent's space-time power.

However, when Hanyu Xiaotian said his request, the light band in the mysterious chaotic space suddenly rolled...

"What!? The original law of space-time power? Low-level space creatures, do you know what you are talking about!"

At this moment, just as Hanyu Xiaotian's voice fell, a huge angry voice suddenly sounded, and then the light band in the mysterious space seemed to burn, shooting out an inexplicable space-time flame. An unprecedented huge pressure suddenly fell on the entire altar space.

This huge coercion is ancient and desolate, just like endless time changes, and the eternal space is pressed.

When the unmeasurable breath of time passed by, Hanyu Xiaotian, Zihuang and others seemed to see the endless plane of time and space being born and annihilated in the torrent, for a few thousand years.

This huge sense of space-time existence, which is almost completely beyond the limit, almost broke through the shackles of how many layers of time and space are separated, and is oppressed in the altar of this relic space.

Under the pressure of this terrifying space-time power, even Hanyu Xiaotian and Zihuang's originally powerful will and souls are shaking with every fluctuation of this space-time power ribbon, and it seems to be thorough all the time. Disintegrate...

"What a terrible power of time and space!"

Perceiving the terrifying tide of time and space that suddenly crossed the infinite time and space, the purple emperor and black dragon and the others all changed their expressions wildly, and immediately brought their strongest law to resist.

But at this moment, facing the terrifying space-time pressure released by the other party's sudden rage, Hanyu Xiaotian released his own strength under the unprecedented pressure.

Stars lit up, galaxies clustered, countless magnetic aurora flashes, and the last giant star **** figure appeared in the cosmic starry sky, contending with the terrifying power of time and space. .....

"Huh? This guy is anxious... It seems that Ben Shao has touched the opponent's bottom line when he proposed to observe the origin law of space-time power..."

Seeing that the other party suddenly changed from the satisfied attitude just now to such a huge angry reaction, Han Yu Xiaotian with a slight grin knew that his request might have touched the bottom line of the other party's time and space holy spirit.

Under the unimaginable power of time and space of the other party, at this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian's universe and galaxy are also operating at full capacity.


Countless stars are in motion, shining along the ancient laws, and in the shining, the power of the stars like a huge ocean surging out endlessly.

And when the **** of stars, who had been in the state of deducing the laws of the universe, also appeared, the entire universe's starry sky was shocked, and an incredible force burst out.

At the same time, an aura full of supreme majesty also rises magnificently in the endless starlight!

"Huh? This breath law... is the power of the stars and universe? And it also condenses the spirit of the law..."

While Hanyu Xiaotian was running to resist the opponent with all his strength, Liran felt the vast power that appeared in Hanyu Xiaotian's body and the aura of the **** of stars exuding supreme majesty. The creatures in the mysterious universe seemed to suddenly I was surprised...