Turn the Universe

Chapter 3276: Law of collapse

Yin and yang, five elements, thunder qi, sky space~

The power of heaven and earth controlled by Emperor Nine is like a huge ocean, which is immeasurable.

The terrifying power that was generated when it collapsed, only in an instant, turned the stars in the universe starry sky above Hanyu Xiaotian's head into dust and crushed them...


Seeing the other party once again resorted to the terrifying law of annihilation, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but flashed his eyes, and immediately used the original eye.

As early as the first time that Emperor Jiu used the method of the law of annihilation to block Hanyu Xiaotian's starry sky cantilever, Hanyu Xiaotian had paid attention to his move.

Now that the other party resorted to this incredible move again, Han Yu Xiaotian naturally wanted to take a good look at the mystery of this move.

And with the change of his horizon, the entire universe starry sky, heaven and earth that appeared in front of Hanyu Xiaotian's eyes began to change...

At this moment, in Hanyu Xiaotian's eyes, the other party's ancient laws of heaven and earth have been transformed into mysterious threads of different thicknesses composed of various shapes.

These threads from the ancient world of Emperor Jiu are extremely mysterious, dense and criss-crossed. It constitutes one law after another, which is unpredictable.

Yin and Yang, the five elements, thunder and lightning, qi, earth evil, life and death~

These laws, which are almost beyond Han Yu Xiaotian's imagination, continuously revolve around the emperor's martial arts soul in the center of the ancient world, setting them off like the king of the gods, in charge of everything.

This kind of power that is far beyond people's imagination is also the reason why the opponent can subdue the divine will will of a lot of super powers only by relying on the ancient world and the emperor's martial arts...

Opposite the ancient world of Emperor Jiu, the major planets in the universe and starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian Consciousness Sea are no longer in their original state, but operate according to an ancient law, forming a group of law silk threads everywhere.

Some of these ruled thread clusters are sparse and simple, some are dense and complex, and their properties and breaths are not exactly the same. This is due to the different nature and power of the stars in the universe.

Some planets were lighted up by Hanyu Xiaotian early, and followed Hanyu Xiaotian to continuously absorb various rune-patterned original powers, and various pure powers such as spirit crystals. The power is naturally huge, and the breath also reveals the ancient feeling.

The thread clusters of the laws of this planet will naturally be dense and complex, huge and mysterious.

On the other hand, some planets are only lit up by Hanyu Xiaotian for a short period of time, and their power is far from ‘mature’. Naturally, they will appear to be sparse and simple...

In addition to time, the three hundred and sixty-five main stars, major stars, planets, satellites, and other different planetary volumes and mysteries naturally have different powers.

The three hundred and sixty-five main stars are naturally the most unpredictable, while the rest of the stars and planets are gradually inferior.

However, these planets composed of the law of silk thread do not exist separately, but are connected to each other~

One by one stars, constellations, galaxies, star clusters~

Tens of millions of ruled silk thread groups, in an extremely mysterious way, constitute a huge group beyond imagination, magnificent.

The groups of these stars are constantly moving, and the power they radiate is equally unpredictable.

And this thread of law emanating from endless stars also surrounds the **** of stars, pulsing with it...

Originally, when Emperor Jiu's ancient laws of heaven and earth collided with Hanyu Xiaotian's cosmic starry sky, it was a clash between the laws controlled by both parties and the origin of power.

However, now Emperor Jiu collapsed the silk threads of the laws of heaven and earth he controlled, causing a large number of threads of laws to be broken, and an unimaginable terrifying force burst out.

This terrifying force is like a black hole in the interstellar, destroying everything it sees.

And under the spread of this terrifying force, Hanyu Xiaotian's cosmic stars' laws and threads began to break and twist at an extremely fast speed.

Stars shattered, constellations shrank, clusters of galaxies collapsed~

Just a moment later, the universe starry sky that Hanyu Xiaotian transformed has collapsed nearly one-tenth of the area...

"What a terrifying power! This Emperor Nine... has already touched the edge of the'taboo-level martial arts'?"

Perceiving the terrifying power of the thread breaking down, even Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes shrank.

As the saying goes, the clearer you see, the more terrifying you feel.

For outsiders, what he sees is only one side of darkness and nothingness and the collapse of everything, but for Hanyu Xiaotian, after using the original eyes, what he sees is the inner manifestation of this collapse. , Is a real great terrorist force!

At the same time, this scene is like a scene of great destruction, which reminds Han Yu Xiaotian involuntarily that in the battlefield of Desolation, the Oriental Martial God launched the taboo-level martial arts-the decay of heaven and earth, which caused the law to decline and cause the entire desolation. The scene of the destruction of the battlefield!

At this time, the power of the rule of the nine collapses of the emperor's family, although it was far inferior to the power of the Eastern Valkyrie, it had reached that similar level.

This Emperor Nine of the Emperor Family has actually touched the martial art of the'taboo level' like the Eastern Martial God!

Is this the Emperor Family?

Is this Di Jiu! ...

"What kind of martial arts is this!"

"It's horrible...is everything destroyed? This is the legendary emperor family!?"

"This kind of martial arts, I am afraid that it has surpassed the scope of star martial arts and super martial arts? The power of the emperor family... actually terrifying..."

Looking at the terrifying power that destroys everything, and the cosmic starry sky that is constantly destroying under this power, the major powers in the hall look terrified and can't help themselves...

Only the previous emperor's martial arts and the ancient world have exceeded the imagination of the major powers.

And at this time, the martial art that was displayed by Di Jiu collapsed all, even more horrified them.

Facing this legendary imperial family, even characters like the Demon Dragon Dao Master seemed to have a sense of horror at this moment.

At the same time, in the feelings of everyone, Hanyu Xiaotian is also extremely powerful, but in the face of the terrifying martial arts performed by the emperor from the legendary family, I am afraid that he can't compete at all.

Regarding this point, the cosmic starry sky that is constantly collapsing in front of everyone is the most obvious proof...