Turn the Universe

Chapter 3278: Two evildoers

In addition, in the deep mystery that Di Jiu couldn't see, these traces of the laws and threads that decomposed into the most primitive trajectory, in the process of spreading, started a recombination with completely different rules!

Starry sky reorganization!

Moreover, it is still swallowing the reorganization of the silk thread fragments fused with the rule of Emperor Jiu's "Ancient Heaven and Earth"...

This universe of starry sky has been born since Han Yu Xiaotian was born.

With the growth of Hanyu Xiaotian, this starry sky is constantly growing, becoming larger and more profound, but although Hanyu Xiaotian knows it very well, he has not fully understood the essence of the law of stars. .

But at this time, following the rule of the nine collapses, Hanyu Xiaotian was using the "origin" to reorganize, but he really saw the more essential mystery of the law of stars.

With the continuous reconnection of the threads of the law of stars, the previously destroyed planets, constellations, and galaxies have been restored again.

And in this, Hanyu Xiaotian even destroyed the laws of heaven and earth from the ancient world of the other party that collapsed the Emperor Nine, recombined and integrated them, making the laws of the universe and the stars more diverse and vast.

And while Hanyu Xiaotian is constantly reorganizing the starry sky of the universe, the scriptures of "The Great Zhou Tianxing Dou Chaochao Sutra" appeared in the starry sky of the universe at some time, and it kept flowing~

"The Great Zhou Tianxing Dou Chao Chao Jing" has always been the most core essential power of Han Yu Xiaotian, and also the original existence of all his powers.

For many years, Hanyu Xiaotian has been using the **** of stars from beginning to end to comprehend the mystery of "The Great Zhou Tianxing Chao Chao Jing" without a moment of relaxation.

At this moment, as the scriptures of "The Great Zhou Tianxing Dou Chao Jing" flowed, the thread of laws that connected planets and planets, and between constellations and constellations, began to become more and more mysterious. The mystery of the stars that is the most original of the "Great Zhou Tianxing Chao Chao Jing" is constantly forming and running~

This time, it was Hanyu Xiaotian who was in his own hands to form and reorganize his own universe...

Under the control of the **** of Hanyu Xiaotian and the stars, all the decomposed rules and lines have begun to be irregular and seem to contain infinite mystery combinations.

And just between this strange combination, a series of inexplicable breaths began to slowly appear, and continue to circulate~

In the end, when these star laws began to be recombined, they gradually formed a condensate, and a group of brand new graphics suddenly appeared!

Pieces of brand-new laws and threads criss-cross, and traces are endlessly changing and all-encompassing, like a piece of...a brand new universe...

At the beginning of yin and yang, Vientiane began to return.

When Hanyu Xiaotian's fingertips finally stopped moving, he had once again returned to the center of the world.

When that point, through the fingers of the God of Stars, appeared in the world again, it seemed that everything was still.

Everything is back to the beginning, back to the beginning.

And this one point contains everything, and it is mysterious and mysterious.

And beyond this point of origin, in the cosmic starry sky, the collapsed laws of heaven and earth have long since disappeared, adding to the operation of this cosmic starry sky.

At the same time, countless lines and patterns full of mysteries and principles, running and flashing along inexplicable trajectories, are endless and profound...

"Just... what happened?"

"Re...recovered? Wasn't his cosmic sky destroyed by Emperor Jiu collapse? How could it be reorganized again? What exactly is that ‘point’?"

"Unbelievable... the universe and the starry sky are not only reorganized. It also seems to be more powerful and vast!"

"This person... is not under the emperor nine of the emperor family!? How is this possible..."

"What kind of monsters are these two people? They..."

Facing this confrontation that is beyond the scope of everyone's understanding, the powerhouses in the hall at this moment are all shocked.

Whether it is the emperor's martial spirit, the eternal world, the law of collapse, or the star **** of Hanyu Xiaotian, the universe and the starry sky, and the law reorganization, they are beyond the understanding of the powerful.

Even the existence of the Patriarch of the Silver Wing Family and the Dao Master of the Demon Dragon, in the gloomy expression at this moment, was extremely shocked.

They have always regarded themselves as invincible under the heavenly ranks, it seems that they can't imagine that there are such enchanting existences in this world as Di Jiu and Han Yu Xiaotian.


At this moment, in this relic space hall, everyone has simultaneously ranked Hanyu Xiaotian and Dijiadijiu as evildoers...

The starry sky of the universe, to the ancient world;

The **** of stars, to the emperor's Wuhun.

At this moment, these two powers beyond the imagination of ordinary people are confronting each other in this void~

"Who are you... on earth!"

Not to mention the horror of the powerful powers in this hall, seeing the universe starry sky that has regained the vast power in front of him, the Emperor Family Di Jiu at this time also had the same unbelievable look.

"Me? Ben Shao, Han Yu Xiaotian..."

Feeling the brand new cosmic starry sky after his reorganization, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes also showed a hint of surprise and satisfaction at this time, looking at Di Jiu with an aftertaste.

At this time, the number of stars in the universe of Hanyu Xiaotian's starry sky did not increase at all, and it was still 3,333,333.

However, the laws and the mysteries of the stars that operate within it have increased much more than before.

Moreover, Han Yu Xiaotian felt that his cosmic starry sky had once again taken a step closer to the "Da Zhou Tian Xing Dou Chao Chao Jing".

And speaking of it, this kind of change that made Han Yu Xiaotian pleasantly surprised is also thanks to the gift of Emperor Jiu in front of him...

Han Yu Xiaotian..."

He muttered the name silently in his heart, and Di Jiu couldn't help but frown, as if he was wondering something.

"Han Yu Xiaotian... I didn't expect that in China, besides the existence of my emperor's family, there can be people like you. You can compete with my eternal world and the emperor's martial arts, you deserve me to remember your name ."

Di Jiu is indeed a mysterious existence from the legendary emperor family. After the initial horror and unbelief, it only took a blink of an eye to restore the emperor's air that overlooked the world.

Then, in Hanyu Xiaotian's surprise, the other party suddenly put away the ancient world.

"Um... Di Jiu, I also remember your name. You really are pretty good..."

Seeing the other party's indifferent expression like a **** king, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and put away the **** of stars and the stars of the universe...