Turn the Universe

Chapter 3313: Perseus Demon Eye Meteorburst

Boom boom boom boom~

In the continuous explosions, every fist, palm, and finger of Di Jiu at this moment contains earth-shattering killing intent and power, like a rising dragon in the sea, and like an ancient divine sword, constantly blasting the planets. Shattered and broken, just like destroying the dead!

In the endless light shining, the surrounding space is slowly twisted and wrinkled...

"Sure enough, it is much better than the silver wing family chief..."

Seeing that Emperor Jiu was still able to show such a terrifying power even if he was trapped in his own cosmic starry sky, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but snorted.

In his perception, the bursting power and energy ripples of the major planets were all blocked by a series of mysterious Dao patterns when they exploded and shot around Di Jiu's body, and it was difficult to even reach Di Jiu's body.

This also showed the strength and difficulty of Emperor Nine's horror, even if it was caught in the starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian, it would not be so easy to deal with.

However, only a moment later, Han Yu Xiaotian's eyes flashed.


With a faint voice, in the fluctuation of Hanyu Xiaotian's will, a mysterious huge constellation composed of unknown stars, straddled the endless void and landed on Di Jiu's head...

Boom boom boom~

At this moment, Di Jiu was still like an invincible **** king, constantly smashing the stars within his field of vision.

The terrifying power of the bombardment of the two made Di Jiu also faintly felt the sense of Zhen Yuan shaking. However, Di Jiu showed no signs of stagnation, and he was still punching again and again.

When Di Jiu fell into the opponent's ‘domain’, he could still be so calm and naturally had his own reliance, that is, the ‘immortal emperor body’ of the emperor’s family.

Immortal Emperor Body, that's not just talking.

The power contained in it is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

Even though Han Yu Xiaotian's power was beyond Di Jiu's imagination, Di Jiu didn't think that the other party could really help him.

It's just that there are too many stars in this universe, which makes Di Jiu, who has always had an invincible faith, secretly feel a little anxious.

But when he was thinking about how to break through the starry sky of the universe and escape out, his expression suddenly changed.

"Huh? This is!"

When Di Jiu felt something was wrong, above his head, an existence like a huge magic eye had already enveloped it.

This huge and boundless magic eye is not known how many times larger than the huge figure of the nine emperors.

Inside its magic eye, full of magical colors and dazzling light, shocking people's mind, as if the eyes of an unknown giant creature, looking down on the world.

But look carefully, what kind of magic eye is this, but a huge constellation composed of stars that cannot be counted!

This huge constellation, as if spanning hundreds of millions of light-years away, is densely packed and stacked on top of each other. There are countless planets, stars, star clusters, and nebulae in it, and its power is so vast that it is unfathomable.

And the distance it spans is even more impossible to imagine. Even the huge emperor's will transformed by Emperor Nine is like dust in front of it...

Perseus is one of the famous northern constellations.

There are many bright stars in its constellation. Contains countless star clusters, gas nebulae, planetary nebulae and other huge celestial bodies.

From the star chart, the most significant sign of Perseus starts from the star eta, passes through the stars γ, α, δ, and ε, and reaches the large arc drawn by the stars ξ and ζ.

The ancient Westerners called it the mythical "Perseus Bow", while in China it was called the "Skyship".

The planetary nebula is composed of stars η and ζ at both ends of the large arc. The center of the string formed by stars η and ζ is the star β Perseids, which was called Daling Five in ancient China.

If you think of the bright star in Perseus as the "Perseus" in Western mythology, Daling Wuzheng can be seen as holding it in his hand, and a glance on Medusa's head will make People become the magic eye of stone, so Westerners also call it the magic star.

"Perseus-the magic eye meteorburst!"

A faint sound of majesty sounded in the cosmic starry sky.

Immediately in Di Jiu's horrified gaze, among the huge constellations that looked like a'magic eye', countless spots of light began to flash and slide!

Meteors usually appear as a single sporadic, independent of each other, and the time and direction of their appearance are also irregular. On average, they are basically less than ten or so per hour, which are called occasional meteors.

In a certain period of time, the number of meteors increases, reaching dozens or even hundreds of meteors per hour, which looks like rain. This is called a meteor shower.

At this time, as in this Perseid constellation, the huge meteor shower level composed of meteors whose sides are not visible at all is called a meteor burst!

These vast spots of light are like raindrops of stars dripping from the eyes of the demon, falling towards the figure of Di Jiu. The terrifying coercion and power almost covered the space of a hundred million li... ..

"Han Yu Xiaotian, you are deceiving too much!"

When seeing this horrible scene, Di Jiu seemed to change his face again.

It's one thing for the stars to stand still, but it's another thing for the meteor power with terrifying momentum at this time.

Although Hanyu Xiaotian's attack did not drive too many laws of stars, but the terrifying momentum of the falling stars alone was enough to change the emperor's nine colors.

But at this moment, facing the terrifying meteor shower that overwhelmed the sky, he had no extra time to think, and directly used his strongest defensive force.

"Ancient world! The emperor is undefeated!"

With Di Jiu's soft drink, a boundless field suddenly appeared above his huge body, enveloping Di Jiu's entire body.

At the same time, more endless Dao patterns light up, and endless power rises.

It was connected with the Emperor Wuhun of Emperor Jiu, and suddenly propped up an eternal world that seemed to exist forever.

And just as this piece of heaven and earth was just being propped up, the boundless meteor burst above it was also bombarded!

Rumble rumbling~

The sound of endless horror burst, shaking the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

Under the boundless ‘Magic Eye Meteor Burst’, its terrifying power is almost destroying the world.

Endless meteors, converging unpredictable gravity and equivalent, turned into light spots one after another, bombarding the heaven and earth space below it.

However, Emperor Jiu's "Eternal Heaven and Earth" is indeed a supernatural power.

Under the dense terrorist bombardment, although it continued to tremble and fluctuate, there was no sign of collapse.