Turn the Universe

Chapter 3327: Sendai wall obstacle

The difference between the nine layers of heaven is that Zong Dongtian runs from east to west, and each layer runs from west to east, which is the opposite of Zong Dongtian, which is what people call the way of heaven to rotate left and the sun, moon and five stars to rotate right.

Complementing this, according to Hanyu Xiaotian, the patriarch of the Hanyu family, Hanyu Qingtian, in the Eastern Martial God's exploration of the ancient martial realm, the Sendai secret store opened by today's warriors also has nine barriers... ...

These nine layers of barriers, layer by layer, look like a moat.

As for the peerless martial artist who has reached the heavenly level, his cultivation is like climbing the steps of a avenue, constantly climbing up in'Sendai'.

It's just that the Oriental Warrior did not name the nine-tiered Sendai specifically, but called it the ‘Sendai Nine-tiered Heaven’.

A martial artist with a cultivation base reaching the heavenly rank, every time he breaks through a heavy barrier and climbs a layer of Sendai, his connection with the law of heaven and earth becomes closer, and the law of heaven and earth he can control becomes stronger.

And the difference between the laws of heaven and earth that can be controlled at each level can't be calculated...

"In this way, what I have opened now should be Sendai on the first floor, which is the first heaven. It is necessary to break this barrier to enter the second heaven..."

While thinking about it, Han Yu Xiaotian also understood.

It seems that the realm of this heavenly rank is similar to the first to tenth ranks of the common rank, but the difficulty of its breakthrough has increased ten thousand times.

According to the division of the Oriental Warrior, the Sendai gate he just opened is actually the first barrier of the'Sendai Nine Heavens'.

Therefore, the current realm of Hanyu Xiaotian is naturally the first realm of Sendai.

And those other peerless heavenly powerhouses exist. After opening the portal of Sendai, they live in seclusion like Hanyu Qingtian, the patriarch of the Hanyu clan, constantly learning the laws of heaven and earth, accumulating their own knowledge, in order to continuously break through the Sendai barrier and master More power of the laws of heaven and earth.

As for the Eastern Martial God himself, known as the topmost heavenly rank, he may have broken through the nine barriers and reached the highest level of the ninth heaven...

Of course, this kind of climbing Sendai level by level is not absolute.

When the martial artist of the earth realm breaks through the heavenly rank, the deeper the foundation accumulated in his own small world and the stronger the law of heaven and earth he comprehends, the stronger his power to resonate with the great avenue will increase.

Such a powerful person is easier to open the portal of Sendai and climb to the first heaven, or even directly to the second and third heavens.

According to Han Yu Qingtian, the patriarch of the Han Yu family, when he stepped into the heavens with a peerless posture, he once broke through the Sendai gateway and a layer of Sendai barrier and directly stepped into the realm of Sendai's second heaven. At that time, shocked the entire human ancient martial arts world.

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian’s foundation accumulation and the law of comprehension have long surpassed Hanyu Qingtian, beyond the imagination of the world, and even... surpassed the Eastern Martial God Institute who created this martial art realm. Imagine...

Click, click~

Facing the second barrier in Sendai, the Star God directly stretched out his big hand again and pressed it on.

However, the second barrier of Sendai is several times stronger than the first portal of Sendai, or even more than ten times stronger.

Under the pressure of the endless power of the God of Stars, it only produced tiny cracks and made bursts of "click, click, click" sounds, and there was no sign of fragmentation...

"Huh? The second barrier of Sendai is so strong?"

In a slight surprise, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but frown.

Although it was the first time that he stepped into the sky, he hit the Sendai barrier. But at this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian was still surprised by the solidity of Sendai's second barrier.

Before the first portal of Sendai, Hanyu Xiaotian directly pushed open with nearly half of the power of the God of Stars.

But now, facing the barrier of Sendai's march towards the second heaven, it almost used eight or nine points of strength, but it did not break it...

Regardless of the fact that they are also the top powerhouses of the earth realm, but existences like the star **** of Hanyu Xiaotian, or the emperor Wuhun of the Emperor Family Emperor Nine, are stronger than the spirit will of the general earth realm powerhouse, I don’t know how much Times.

Even the primordial spirit of the ancient Chinese Taoist school and the Buddhist phenomena are far less powerful than the star **** of Hanyu Xiaotian.

If you count Hanyu Xiaotian, the star **** has now stepped into the first heaven in Sendai, and controls the supreme law of the world outside. Its power can almost be combined with the Taoist gods in ancient Chinese legends and the Buddhist incense. The Buddha sat on an equal footing.

With this level of power, under the strength of using eight or nine percent of its power, it did not directly break through this second barrier in Sendai.

From this we can see how much stronger each layer of barriers in Sendai will be than the previous one.

And now Hanyu Xiaotian also faintly understands why the ancient warriors call the realm after the heavenly rank ‘climb’ Sendai.

This is really ‘difficult to climb to the sky, it’s hard to reach nine days’.

And what makes Hanyu Xiaotian even more surprised is that in that barrier, there seems to be a mysterious and powerful will in the dark, like a huge mountain, suppressing the **** of stars and preventing the **** of stars. breakthrough......

"This will...what is it? Is it my illusion? Sendai's nine barriers... it doesn't look simple..."

Feeling the mysterious and powerful will in the dark, Han Yu Xiaotian really raised his eyebrows at this moment.

Hanyu Xiaotian had some thoughts and thoughts about the nine barriers in Sendai.

Moreover, in this barrier now, there is a faintly mysterious will appearing in the dark, which makes Han Yu Xiaotian even more puzzled...

Sendai is a gateway for mankind to communicate with the universe and a secret storehouse for mankind to connect with the laws of heaven and earth.

So, what is the significance of the nine barriers in Sendai?

Could it be that this is heaven, earth and universe, preventing the behavior of beings from'climbing the sky'?

So, this mysterious will, is it the will of the universe?

Or in other words, it is the will of the law of heaven and earth, preventing thousands of creatures from breaking through Xiantai and climbing to the sky...

As Hanyu Xiaotian thought~

In the history and legends of ancient China, through martial arts and Taoism practice, to exceed the limit of life, this has always been sought by people.

Among them, the Taoist cultivation method is the most widely spread.

However, in Taoist legends, there has always been a saying that ‘cultivation is against the sky’...