Turn the Universe

Chapter 3359: Five planets

"This is... the Avenue of Heaven and Earth Runes!"

When seeing the sudden appearance of Tianhe, Dongfang Da Shi and others were shocked again.

The endless river rushes through the sky, scouring the endless starry sky of the universe, moisturizing the growth of all things,

With the flow of the Tianhe River, the monstrous waves turned into floating lines, and they combined with each other and crossed, repeated vertically and horizontally, and gradually merged into the surging pattern of all things in Zepi~

Rune of water!

The runes of heaven and earth are the manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth.

And at this time, what appeared in the north of the starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian Universe was a great road of water composed of the law of stars and the law of water!


With the appearance of the runes of water in the north, the endless greenery also appeared in the beginning of the east.

These green breaths of life first rose from a tiny planet and continued to spread, and in a blink of an eye, they had covered the entire planet.

The endless wood forest roars, rippling with greenery unique to life and vitality, and these green energies slowly condense, and finally form a vibrant pattern~

Among the five elements, aquatic wood!

Runes of wood.


In the south, a kind of fire emerged.

This original insignificant flame just flickered for an instant, then suddenly turned into a raging fire! In the blink of an eye, it expanded ten million times!

The sea of ​​flames soared into the sky, and passed by, enveloping endless hot stars, fusing with the light and heat of the stars.

The surging energy is overflowing, and it seems to bring a burst of fiery burst to the cosmic starry sky~

Light and heat are intertwined and intertwined, and the terrifying energy contained in it forms a raging and violent pattern. At this moment, it has reached the same level as the rune of water and the rune of wood.

Rune of Fire!

In the west, a sharp air came out, and it was restrained when it first appeared, but after a blink of an eye, a burst of golden light pierced the sky and rose slowly~

Rune of gold!

Finally, in the center, at the foot of Hanyu Xiaotian, a huge earth-yellow continent, taking the planet as its body, appeared out of thin air and continued to extend to all directions...

In the "booming" land and rocky transition, the continent finally gradually settled, a vast, heavy, primitive and long-lasting atmosphere, instantly filled the entire universe starry sky...

Rune of Earth!

Jinmu, water, fire and earth~

Five Elements Rune~

The Five Elements Rule!

The water is rippling, the waves are turbulent, the ancient trees are sluggish, angry, the flames are overwhelming, the bursts are hot, the golden glow is killing, the sharpness is endless, the thick soil is full of things, everything is covered~

"There are five elements in the sky, water, fire, gold, wood, and soil, time-sharing and cultivation, so as to make everything."

"The opportunity to build good fortune cannot be without birth or without control. Without birth, there is no way to grow, and without control is to cause harm. The cycle of birth and regeneration is endless, and the way of heaven and earth is endless."

The five elements mean all things move! Means the family of everything!

With the appearance of these five runes, they began to operate according to the universal law that seemed to exist in ancient times, and a trace of good luck suddenly formed, slowly rippling in the cosmic starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian. .....

The five planets are working! "

When the great supernatural powers of these five elements combined with the law of stars were formed, Hanyu Xiaotian once again offered a second great supernatural power!

The five elements of heaven and earth runes are the earliest avenue of runes that Hanyu Xiaotian has mastered, and is also the most familiar.

And the law of stars, for Hanyu Xiaotian, is naturally the law that he has been comprehending for for a long time, and it is the fundamental law.

During the period when Hanyu Xiaotian stepped into the heavens and returned to Ward Star, he kept recalling the ‘world’ created by the Eastern Valkyrie when he confronted the giant arm of the foreign race's thousand-eyed in the deserted battlefield.

In Hanyu Xiaotian’s perception, the Eastern Warrior’s ‘world’ is a law that he has learned over the centuries of his life, all merged into one, and this supreme law of fusion is the foundation of the Eastern Warrior.

In Hanyu Xiaotian’s speculation, the Oriental Martial God might be able to break the terrifying barriers behind the'Sendai Nineth Heaven' and the will of heaven and earth and step into Sendai precisely because of the integration of the laws of his insight and control The highest realm of Nine Heavens.

Then, before Hanyu Xiaotian stayed at the sixth heaven barrier, he naturally thought about his future path...

If you want to break through the barriers behind the'Sendai Jiuzhongtian' as soon as possible, then Hanyu Xiaotian's best choice is to take the path of merging the major laws.

You know, the fusion of laws is not as simple as one plus one equals two. It is often an increase of several times the power level.

The laws of heaven and earth controlled by Hanyu Xiaotian were much more than ordinary warriors.

Stars, Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Thunder, Mountains and Seas, Nature...

With Hanyu Xiaotian's enchanting control over the rune realm, his understanding of these laws of heaven and earth has already exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

If Hanyu Xiaotian can continuously smelt and combine these laws, then the increase in its power will probably not be under the ‘world’ of the Eastern Valkyrie.

And the ‘Taiyin Sun Taiji Diagram’ and the ‘Five Planets’ Good Fortune Revolving’ which he now successively displays are his latest supernatural powers that integrate the yin and yang and the five elements with the law of stars...

The circulation of the five elements makes good fortune grow by itself.

What's more, Hanyu Xiaotian combined the Five Elements Law with the Star Law.

That vast and majestic force of good fortune is not inferior to the Taiji Tu of the Taiyin Sun.

And while these five planets were in motion, the three ancient magical techniques of the "Blood Rain Road", the "All Souls Cry" and the "Living Realm Nirvana" were completely wiped out.

At the same time, the cosmic starry sky that had just been torn and collapsed by the ancient magic arts was restored as before, as if nothing had happened.

However, just as the sky demon displayed three ancient great magic combinations in succession, Hanyu Xiaotian's two great magical powers, the'Taiji Diagram of the Taiyin Sun' and the'Five Planets' Creation and Operation', were just the beginning.

What it needs to do now is not only to prevent the sky demon from destroying its own universe and stars...

"The third great magical power: the great five planets of Yin and Yang, Chen reverse and extinct the magic light!"

With a soft drink, Han Yu Xiaotian looked at the eyes of the evil ancient sky demon, unexpectedly a rare trace of murder appeared.

And with Hanyu Xiaotian's murderous intent, the entire universe starry sky suddenly began to change drastically!

The previous "Taiyin Sun Taiji Diagram" that shrouded the stars of the sky, under the will of the sky, began to no longer turn forward, but began to reverse!

At the same time, the ‘five planets’ movement of good fortune’, which had a trace of good fortune, was also reversed under an irreversible will...