Turn the Universe

Chapter 3408: Emperor star

"Hey, you...what about you...you will stay behind this lady for a while, and this lady will protect you. My grandfather is a sixth-level rune master, they dare not bully us at will."

Just as Han Yu Xiaotian turned his thoughts of "robbing" in his heart, a voice rang in front of him.

This person is the Queen Xueer, grandson of the sixth-level rune master Wang Qing. At this moment, she is coming to Hanyu Xiaotian's face vowedly, saying quite loyally.

Obviously, Han Yu Xiaotian's indifferent performance from the beginning to the end was regarded as ‘fear’ by some people, and Wang Xueer, who had a rather chivalrous heart in his heart, directly became a chivalrous girl.

"Oh? So...thank you..."

When Su Ran heard the other party's voice, Han Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but habitually twitched the corner of his mouth when he was slightly shocked, and immediately nodded and agreed with the "Bachelor"...

In the splendid universe and galaxy, I don't know how many stars twinkle in it, dazzling, and immortal for billions of years.

And in the depths of the Milky Way, a huge planet shining with silver light is constantly spinning.

This planet is very peculiar, exuding a kind of solitary atmosphere from the inside out, vaguely with a noble posture.

This is the world controlled by the Yuwen Family of the "Emperor Family", the emperor star!

The emperor star is an exclusive planet belonging to the Yuwen family of the emperor.

Almost everything on this planet is under the control of the Yuwen family.

They are like the emperor on this planet, controlling everything here.

If the Great Thousand World is the source of Chinese civilization, then the world of the emperor is the unique world of the Yuwen family.

It is as if it is independent of the great world and not restricted by the outside world.

On this planet, there are ninety-nine continents, and there are many lakes and seas.

This pattern was not formed naturally, but was done by Yuwen Destiny, a peerless strongman of the emperor's family, who used supreme power to do it himself.

Ninety-nine continents symbolize the ninety-nine supreme.

Five lakes and four seas, also adding up to nine, is the ultimate number, symbolizing that the family of the emperor is adhering to the destiny and being the ultimate in the world.

And when everyone on Guhaixing Yunya Island, along with Yuwen Taishi and others came to this heavenly star, they also saw a scene that would shock them all their lives...

"Is this... the emperor star?"

"Heaven... this planet... seems to be close to a fourth-class planet, right? I'm afraid only Ward star can match it."

"The emperor's family... could this be so? This is the real emperor! The emperor!"

"Oh my God, this is truly above the billions... It's incredible..."

Standing on the giant sea and air ship of the Yuwen family, everyone at this time began to be shocked by everything they saw.

In the eyes of everyone, this emperor star is almost close to Ward star.

And on the ninety-nine continents on the heavenly planet, there are densely populated people everywhere, with tall buildings, and the city like rain, one by one, one by one.

According to everyone's conservative estimate, these populations must be at least two to three billion people.

With such a large population, it is of course not a member of the Yuwen family, but ordinary people who serve the emperor family.

They are like ants, providing the emperor’s family with food, clothing, housing, transportation, production and support, and all kinds of basic services...

For example, on a continent, countless people are producing food, digging for minerals, and building houses.

Blocks of huge stones were erected and built into cities, palaces, and even some people who had practiced basic martial arts, using true essence to constantly roll up trees and build houses one by one.

Millions of people are working hard, building, and reclaiming on this continent. Some of the working figures are actually the martial masters of the mortal ranks, or the powerful Huang-ranks who have cultivated true essence!

Some people who work are warlocks who have practiced certain secret arts.

There are others, more like infinite organ puppets, constantly moving things...

These countless people work, mine veins, and cultivate land. How fast is that? This is simply unimaginable...

On another continent, it has been filled with countless mountains and mountains of ore, metal treasures, alloy armor, etc.

There are also huge weapons that belong to the Yuwen family, such as the "Shenzhou of Light" and "Huge Sea and Air Ship", which are being continuously refined.

At the same time, everyone even saw that the energy yuan stone used in science and technology and warfare, the star crude oil and other energy, are constantly being produced in hundreds of bases.

There are also a large number of martial arts masters training the army with extraordinary momentum.

Ninety-nine states, all over the world~

Countless people are doing their own things in an orderly manner, and in some places, it is more faintly revealing a mysterious place, which is obviously not simple...

"Everyone, what you see now is the ninety-nine continents under the jurisdiction of our Yuwen family. Each state has a population of millions of millions."

"They all serve my Yuwen family."

"You are not the first group of people to come to my Yuwen family's emperor star. I can say responsibly that everyone who comes to my emperor star has almost no thought of going back."

"Many of them chose to be the overlord of a giant in these ninety-nine continents, with countless wealth and groups of wives and concubines. A few of them have become governors of a state because of their outstanding ability, commanding nearly ten million people!"

"This kind of treatment is almost impossible to achieve under the current China United Parliamentary System..."

Just when everyone was shocked by everything on this emperor star, Yuwen Taishi's slow voice sounded again. And what he said once again made countless people's minds surge...

As Yuwen Taishi said, in today's human federation, a joint parliamentary system has long been implemented, and there is no such thing as a ‘closing official’.

Of course, in the current Huaxia, there are also some high-level management of the Huaxia region on the major planets, but these are only identities, but it is impossible to be like the Yuwen family, almost completely able to control countless feudal human rights that can be killed.

Here, everyone can completely become the existence of the earth emperor, with countless wealth, money, beauty, power, and can be said to be omnipotent.

This kind of extreme temptation to the desires in people's hearts instantly made many people's minds heated up...