Turn the Universe

Chapter 3464: Ten Temples Yama!

There is a saying of'Ten Temple Yama' in the Netherworld, which appeared earlier than the ancient China.

The ten temples of Yama are: King of Qin Guang, King of Chujiang, Emperor of Song Dynasty, King of Five Senses, King of Yama, King of Biancheng, King of Taishan, King of Metropolis, King of Equality, King of Runners.

These ten kings live in the ten halls of **** respectively, in charge of the netherworld of the world, ending life and death, taking charge of life, and judging all souls. They are the supreme existence of **** ghosts.

In addition to this blessed land, the first hall of King Qin Guang, the third hall of Emperor Song, the hall of Emperor Song, the fourth hall of five sense organs, and the tenth hall of Zhuan Wang, Zhuanlun hall have all appeared.

Obviously, the hell, ghosts, and powers that besieged China's Buddhist and Taoist relics in the past are all masters and forces that belong to these four halls.

At this time, in the gazes of Han Yu Xiaotian and Li Jianghe, as the mysterious aura suddenly appeared from an endless distance, one by one and the'Qin Guang Hall','Song Emperor Hall', and'Five Officials Hall' appeared. The same huge palaces as the four ghost palaces such as the'Turn Wheel Hall' have also emerged from the void without warning...



In the endless cry of howling ghosts, a huge quadrangular palace full of death and resentment made a loud ‘rumbling’.

On the inky black door plaque at the center of this huge palace, the three big characters'Biancheng Palace' are shining endless pressure of death.

Sixth Hall of Hell Ghost Road! Biancheng Palace, the master of "calling the great **** and the dead city"!

There are also sixteen small prisons, where mortal people complain about the world, and those who drown in the north and weep are sent to this prison. Divide the body with a saw. Investigating the incident will also be punished by beating with iron cone and burning tongue. Suffer from the small prison again!


Boom boom boom~

A terrible black flame, attached to the other two huge palaces, transmitted from different directions, with the breath of scorching everything.

The seventh hall! Taishan Temple, the master of ‘annoying hell’!

Also known as the **** of the meat sauce, there are 16 small prisons. Those who took the skeletons and combined medicine in the Fanyang world, and left the people to their relatives, were sent to this prison. Send a small prison again. Suffered all day long, transferred to the Eighth Hall, sent to prison for investigation and treatment. Moreover, anyone who steals, falsely accuses, blackmails, or commits money and kills will be punished in the pan!

The eighth hall, the city hall, is in charge of the ‘big heat, big trouble, big hell’!

Also known as the Hell of Naoboguo, there are 16 small prisons. Those who are not filial alive and make their parents gloomy and troubled are thrown into this prison. Then I handed over to the small prisons for additional punishment, suffered all the pain, remitted the Ninth Hall, changed his appearance, and became a beast forever!


There was another buzzing, a huge palace full of endless evil spirits, screaming from below Hanyu Xiaotian and others.

The Ninth Hall, Hall of Equality, is in charge of "Fengdu City Iron Net Abi Hell"!

There are also 16 small prisons. Fanyang world murdered, set fire, and chopped up the righteous people. They were solved in the main hall. They used hollow copper piles and chained their arms and legs to inflame the fire, burn their hearts and liver, and be tortured in Abi hell!


The first hall of Qinguang King Hall, the third hall of Song Emperor's Hall, the fourth hall of Five Officials Hall, the sixth hall of Biancheng King Hall, the seventh hall of Taishan King Hall, the eighth hall of Metropolitan King Hall, and the ninth hall of Equal King Hall , The tenth hall of the runner king hall~

At this moment, except for the second hall of the Chujiang King's Hall destroyed by Hanyu Xiaotian, and the fifth hall of Yama's Yama, the mysterious legend, all the other eight halls have appeared here!

And just in the shock and horror of Li Jianghe and others from the Shang Qing sect, a sudden cold current that was freezing through the world suddenly penetrated the void, and above this huge cold current, the second one that was once destroyed by Hanyu Xiaotian The temple, unexpectedly also emerged!

The second hall, Chujiang Hall, holds the palm of the ice hell!

Also known as the Living Hell of Kaiyiting Pavilion, there are sixteen small prisons. Anyone who wounds or robs and kills in the sun will be sent to this prison, and the other will be sent to the sixteen small prisons to suffer. Palace, add punishment and go to prison!


The Nine Temples of Hades!

At this moment, outside of the heaven and blessed land where the legacy of the Chinese Buddhist Dao lies, all the nine palaces of the Hades that represent the supreme status of the Hell Ghost Dao have all emerged.

And in the horror of everyone, after the appearance of the Chujiang King Palace, a shadow that was larger than the nine halls that appeared before, combined, also descended from the sky...

Temple of Yama!


"This...what is going on?"

"Hell Ghost Dao... Is this all assembled here?"

"Ten... the ten Great Hades Palaces of Hell Ghost Dao, unexpectedly all appeared!?"

"Oh my God! Temple of Yama! Then... isn't that the palace where King Yama, the highest in the **** ghost way, is located!?"

"It is rumored that this Yama Temple can be driven by no one except King Yama himself!"

"They... they came here beforehand! What the **** is going on? Are they conspiring!?"

With the emergence of the ten Great Yama Halls of Hell Ghost Dao, at this time, this land of hundreds of thousands of miles around seemed to have changed from the world to hell.

Countless ghosts and ghosts kept wailing, countless corpse auras continued to permeate, and the powerful and terrifying coercion seemed to hold the souls of all creatures in the past. Even the aura of heaven and earth in that hole of heaven and blessing earth was suppressed to the lowest level.

When seeing this horrible scene, the Shang Qing Sect Li Jianghe, Nine Heavens Profound Girl Sect Liu Yunxu, Cihang Jingzhai Miaoyin Da Shi, and others seemed to be stunned, completely wondering what happened.

As for Hanyu Xiaotian, light flashed in his eyes at this time...


Rumble rumbling rumbling rumbling~

With the appearance of these ten huge palaces, the entire void was trembling constantly, as if unable to bear the endless death.

The locations of these ten huge palaces did not seem to be arbitrarily, but were shrouded in a strange position.

And just after the appearance of the last Yan Luo Temple, its ten main halls seemed to be connected together and began to fluctuate inexplicably.

Following that, the endless darkness of death, evil, corpse, yin, cave, and resentment also seemed to have been guided by something, suddenly centered on the ten halls, and enveloped the endless void world, just a moment, It sealed off the entire hundreds of millions of miles...



When the endless air of **** sealed the entire heaven and earth space, with the sound of a door opening, the ten halls of **** ghosts finally opened the door.

At the same time, terrifying figures finally emerged from the gate~

King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King of Five Senses, King Biancheng, King Taishan, King of Metropolis, King of Equality, King of Zhuan...
