Turn the Universe

Chapter 3527: The Great Five Planet Chen reverses the

In front of Emperor Tianzhao, the golden light soaring pierced the sky, filling the starry sky-golden runes!

Finally, in the center of Hanyu Xiaotian’s feet, a huge earth-yellow continent, taking the planet as its body, appeared out of thin air and continued to extend to all directions...

In the "booming" land and rocky transition, the continent finally gradually settled, a vast, heavy, primitive and long-lasting atmosphere, instantly filled the entire universe starry sky...

Rune of Earth!


Jinmu, water, fire and earth~

The Five Elements Rule!

Star Law~

The water is rippling, the waves are turbulent, the ancient trees are sluggish, angry, the flames are overwhelming, the bursts are hot, the golden glow is killing, the sharpness is endless, the thick soil is full of things, everything is covered~

"There are five elements in the sky, water, fire, gold, wood, and soil, time-sharing and cultivation, so as to make everything."

"The opportunity to build good fortune cannot be without birth or without control. Without birth, there is no way to grow, and without control is to cause harm. The cycle of birth and regeneration is endless, and the way of heaven and earth is endless."

The five elements mean all things move! Means the family of everything!

With the appearance of these five runes, they began to operate according to the universal law that seemed to exist in ancient times, and a trace of good luck suddenly formed, slowly rippling in the cosmic starry sky of Hanyu Xiaotian. .....


"Five Elements, Stars, Fusion!"

"The Big Five Planet Chen reversal and extinct the light!"

When these five Dao, Five Elements combined with the great supernatural powers of the Star Law formed, surrounding the four emperors such as Amaterasu Emperor and Naruto Emperor, with a soft drink, the entire universe starry sky suddenly began to change drastically!

Under the will of the sky and earth, the five planets' rotations began to no longer rotate in the forward direction, but began to reverse!

The five elements turn smoothly, and good fortune grows by itself. The five elements are reversed, and the heavens and the earth are destroyed!

In an instant, a terrifying wave that seemed to destroy the world, suddenly enveloped Amaterasu Emperor, Wind Demon Emperor and others...


"Do not!"

The four desperate voices just sounded before they disappeared.

The Great Five Planet Chen's reversal and extinction of the Divine Light is an array of lore, and it is a truly terrifying technique used by high-level laws, even more terrifying than the ‘divine technique’ of the Heavenly Dynasty.

What's more, when Hanyu Xiaotian stepped into the seventh heaven of heaven, the power of the fusion of the five elements and the law of stars has been more than ten times higher than when it dealt with the ancient sky monsters.

The current "Big Five Planet Chen Reversal and Extinction Divine Light" has approached the category of "taboo martial arts". It's not what Amaterasu and others can contend.

And in this starry sky surrounded by the "big five planets, reversal, extinction, divine light", it can be said that there is no way to the sky and no way to the earth.

Therefore, as soon as Emperor Tianzhao and others were swallowed by it, they sensed a real breath of imminent death.

However, at this time everything is too late...


It is true that the strong of the heavenly ranks are difficult to kill, but Hanyu Xiaotian's "Big Five Planets Chen Reversal and Extinguishing Divine Light" is simply a killer weapon that specializes in trapping the second-ranked strongmen.

Once the trapped person's cultivation is not as good as Hanyu Xiaotian, and there is no treasure to protect him, then there is almost only the fate of being killed.

And the Emperor Amaterasu, Emperor Naruto and others had just been confronted with Hanyu Xiaotian, not to mention that their strength had already fallen drastically, but Yata Mirror and other treasures were just'sacrificed' by him.

Under this situation, where is the hope of survival for the four of them...
