Turn the Universe

Chapter 3564: Pope's ambition

When the cardinal in red left, only the pope remained in the empty hall.

At this time, the pope slowly stood up, and slowly walked to the exquisite statue of'Lord' in the middle of the main hall, and looked up.

"Lord... I have been waiting for too long this day."

"If I can achieve what I want, I, Williams 32, will become the highest pope since the establishment of the Church of the Cross."

"No...it should be said that I, Williams 32, will become the ‘master’ of the world...eternal existence..."

At this moment, looking at the exquisite sacred statue of the Lord in the main hall, the pope is no longer as calm and indifferent as before. In his body, heart and eyes, he is full of ambition, desire and madness.. ....


Shanal star.

Gelu continent, outside the city of Rutheran.

Boom boom boom~

The earth-shaking sound and countless chaotic energy are flooding the world.

From time to time the screams came, adding countless blood and murder to this world.

This is the area controlled by the Federation of Humanity.

However, at this time, due to some inexplicable reasons, the national power of the Bailan Republic has declined, and its surroundings have naturally become unstable.

The surrounding national forces such as the Emirate of Lied, the Yanbang Freedom League, and the Principality of Yanyuan have mobilized strong men to suppress the Bailan Republic and compete for its resources and territory.

And this city of Rutheran is one of the most fertile places in the hands of Bailan Republic, and it has naturally become the object of competition for other major member states...


"Vilgara, Illidari, and Anglos, you dare to openly invade the city of Rutheran in our Bailan Republic! It is rare that you are not afraid of the sanctions of the Galaxy Council!"

In the continuous battle, the enemy is very few, and the lord Yale of Rutheran City in the Republic of Bailan is already full of colors at this time, angrily shouting at the three figures who besieged him.

Virgara, Illidari, and Angelosh are the people headed by the three major forces of the Emirate of Lied, the Yanbang Freedom League, and the Yanyuan Principality that have invaded the city of Rutheran in the Republic of Bailan.

Each of them is a strong, powerful, fierce and powerful. Under the suppression of these people and the strong behind them, the city of Rutheran is almost exhausted and will be broken at any time...


"Hmph, Yale City Lord, your Royal Family of Bailan Republic died unexpectedly, and the strong were almost killed and injured. It can be said that they are no longer qualified to be called a ‘member’."

"Yes, your membership of the Galaxy Council should be handed over immediately. We have not yet attacked the palace of the Paramount Republic. It is already considered kind."

"Your demise is already doomed. Do you think the city of Rutheran still needs to exist? I think this region and city, as well as the resources and wealth you have, if you are sensible, then quickly hand it over."

"Otherwise, not only you, but the entire city of Rutheran, will be buried with you..."

Regarding the accusation of Yale, the lord of the city of Rutheran, Vergara, Illidari, and Angros did not show any movement. On the contrary, in their eyes, only the greed for this rich continent and city... ..
